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Americans Elect 2012 - 3rd Party Movement

Who is this new Organization?

The battle over our religious liberties should sound the alarm bells for all faith-filled Americans to turn their faces toward the Heavens and cry out to God; after all, we are founded upon our God-given Judeo-Christian principles. There are dark forces at work that want to destroy our nation, our freedom and our culture. And with this being a crucial election year that determines our world leadership role and nation's direction, it is so important -- vital even, that we pray for our nation, its leaders and its people.  Think about it! ...When have we ever had such huge debt growing uncontrollably with utter leadership turmoil in Congress?

So, you better read a little bit about this new group, Americans Elect 2012, especially before you click onto their website and fill out their questionnaire with Too Much Information (TMI) about yourself before jumping on their bandwagon that's parading all over the Internet as "The Answer" to our seemingly painful and disjointed U.S. political election process. Have you considered that, maybe, it is what has successfully endured to allow us to vet, distill and determine what we, the electorate, decide on for our politicians and policies?

Caution: Upon entering their website a cookie will be tracked to your computer, keystrokes will be noted and sections you visit will be tabulated and your email address will be stored for further email communications for fund raising and gathering signed petitions for their voting initiative to add their third party candidate to the ballot choices. 

The following information was taken verbatim from the "About" web page on the Americans Elect 2012  website:  (Do Not Enter the website until you read everything)

What is Americans Elect?

Americans Elect is the first nonpartisan nomination. We're using the Internet to break the gridlock in Washington, open up the political process and give every single voter—Democrat, Republican or independent—the power to nominate a presidential ticket in 2012. Your voice matters. You decide the issues. You choose the candidates. And in a secure, online convention next June, you will make history by putting the Americans Elect ticket on the ballot in every state.

With Americans Elect, you have the power to choose leadership that puts country before party, and America's interests before special interests. You have the power to change politics as usual.

Americans Elect is a nonprofit that is not affiliated with any candidate or candidate committee.

The Information About the Americans Elect 2012

It reads along like an intriguing idea, but it brought up more questions than answers to who they are, what they are, when they started, where they started, why they started, and how they started.

Americans Elect 2012 was founded by Peter Ackerman, the chief of a wealth managementWashington Capitol Bldg. firm, Rockport Capital, and a very liberal activist with extreme Centrist values who supports left-wing candidates dressed up like moderates. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was invited to tour the Americans Elect offices in DC, which he described as “swank offices, financed with some serious hedge-fund money, a stone’s throw from the White House.”  Hmmn?... one website says over $30 Million from just a few donors so far.

The organization promotes a new way of nominating their candidates for president through the internet. First, you sign up to be a “delegate” at their website after filling out a questionnaire about your political beliefs. Then, members will be able to propose presidential candidates and ultimately will cast the votes to officially nominate that candidate as the nationwide nominee. Their goal is to be on the ballot in all 50 states.

Pardon me here, but does this sound a little bit like the Presidential nominee in "Manchurian Candidate"? Just who guarantees that "YOUR Candidate" is selected? Or better yet, who or from where does the "FINAL Candidate" come from that is finally selected to represent the group in all fifty states? 

Historically the U.S. has not had its traditional present-day two party races, Republican and Democrat, since the very beginning in 1776. A lot of political parties Teddy Roosevelt 1904came and went over the years and we finally settled into a two party system. So, does it seem like the idea of a third party candidate even sound plausible given that in the Presidential Election of 1912, Teddy Roosevelt was the last "almost successful" third party candidate from the "Bull Moose" Progressive Party, which after the 1912 Elections the Progressive party blended into the Democratic Party? In 1912, the only election year ever to have a "four way" race, the Republican, Democrat, Progressive, and Communist parties ran. Woodrow Wilson won. Afterwards, the electorate going forward concluded that the campaign season was too long and time consuming, deciding on candidates was easier with basically two choices and under our Constitution the Electoral College system supports a two party system quite well too.

Americans Elect 2012 is an outgrowth of another curious "NEW" outcrop organization, Unity08, which in 2008 did not garner sufficient Internet voter support, add any highly appealing or viable "Candidates" for a 3rd Party on any ballots or raise enough funds and then fails; or maybe by grand design, closed down as their campaign momentum promised an Obama victory. In the midst of the 2008 Obama Election year, Unity08 pursued New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel and then former Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia, who was a one-time prospective Unity08 nominee. Nunn also chose not to run and instead endorsed Democratic candidate Barack Obama. So does Americans Elect 2012 want their 3rd Party Candidate to win again by succeeding to Re-Elect Obama this year??

The group also came under criticism by political commentators such as David Harsanyi of The Denver Post, who contends that the Unity08 ticket would have served as a "spoiler" for one party's ticket, siphoning off enough votes from one candidate and delivering the election to the other (while failing to win the election itself).

Ralph NaderHarsanyi points to the third party tickets of Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader inH. Ross Perot 2000 that he claims may have delivered those elections to Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, respectively.

In this very close 2012 race, "spoiler" votes will divide voters between Republicans and a 3rd Party candidate. But, it's also a "wild card" play that can backfire on the Democrats trying for a ballot majority with a very high risk of  many Democrat votes also siphoning off to the 3rd Party that could tip the election to Republicans. So, is the Americans Elect 2012 group from the Obama White House?  Hmmn?...


Federally Mandated Obamacare vs. Religious Rights

The REAL Issue is NOT Religious Freedom!

Condoms, Abortion Pills & Sterilizations for the Poor!The Government mandated Obamacare coverage is provided at no cost for any kinds of contraceptives, "morning-after" abortion pills and sterilizations through faith-based entities such as churches and affiliated organizations, which is merely protecting the rights of all women regardless of objections to the contrary. This has caused an uproar to say the least. Catholic leaders have argued that their Main Point is about an unconstitutional infringement on their First Amendment religious liberties... and they're right... MAYBE!

The Health & Human Services (HHS) coverage is all inclusive, with no "exceptions" to religious charities. Birth control issues, viewed by President Obama as inconsequential Catholic Church doctrine, have been overblown way out of proportion by his opponents. Obama further believes that it has unnecessarily energized the Catholic voter base and zealots in the polls. (Less than 10% work in the non-profit sector, even less for "religious" non-profits leaving it in effect for the vast majority) So now, Obama is skillfully framing this medical insurance "exemption", a waiver, narrowly as only a Constitutional issue for the Catholic religious organizations. How does that affect your Constitutional Civil Rights?

Obama is no fool and predictably soon some "financial difficulty waiver", similar to one awarded to businesses like McDonald's who could not afford the Obamacare program, or "category clarification exemption" of the HHS edict will further "exempt" more religious charities such as Catholic hospitals in order to placate this group.

Note: Which classification "word" will Obama use?

An "exemption", "waiver" or "accomodation" are included under current Obamacare law, therefore subject to cancellation at any time.

An "exception" or "exclusion" is not included under current Obamacare law, therefore not subject to any cancellation.  

By doing a "re-classification", Obama really diffuses this volatile 2012 Presidential Election issue to maintain further legitimizing of the rest of the Obamacare by running the clock out for voters to 2013 allowing Obamacare to kick in with benefit costs. This strategy is brilliant because it takes the voter attention off Obama's real targets:

  1. It overlooks the First Amendment Constitutional rights of all private companies across the nation forced to pay for this Federally mandated medical coverage.
  2. It closes the floodgate of future disgruntled citizens forced to buy and shoulder the costs of Obamacare so they don't ask for exemptions too.

Score a major win for Team Obama!


Not Romney? Not Obama? Then Who?

NOT Romney 2012 - THEN Who?

There are 2,286 delegates.   A candidate must accumulate 1,144 delegate votes to win the Presidential Primary to become the leader of the Republican Party in the 2012 Race. And so, with the delegate votes coming out painfully slow through their caucus process, this year's messy, bloody-letting Republican campaign style certainly mirrors the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama blood-bath in the 2008 Democrat Primary Race. It will become crystal clear as the final votes are tallied and the apparent winners becomes a reality -- time will be the essense to go forward to victory. The party faithful must rally and make a fast stampede off to the Presidential Races to cross the finish line first -- Anyone beats Obama!

Off to the Races

This 2012 Presidential Contest promises to be one of the nastiest, mud-slinging, derogatory and negative campaigns in recent U.S. history. The voters must literally "steel up" for the upcoming battle to defend their Constitutional rights by voting for their candidates supporting  more limited government in size and taxation.

Obama catches up to his hyper-inflated ego - Pride goes before his fall!Barack Obama’s ego has no bounds.  During his 60 Minutes interview in December 2011, Obama ranked himself as one of the top four presidents of all time, “I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln — just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history.” It is very interesting that his landmark legislative achievement, the ObamaCare, may soon be overturned by the United States Supreme Court and his greatest foreign policy achievement only consists of having Osama Bin Laden shot in the head -- hardly stellar comparisons to history.

Over the Finish Line Strategy

Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Independents who demand "Change we can Believe In" are looking forward in doing just that when Obama becomes a one term President in 2012 since he looks just Like President Jimmy Carter.

President Jimmy CarterObama should be wary of what happened to President Jimmy Carter in his one and only term as President of the United States of America. Carter's administration suffered from his inexperience in politics. Carter paid too much attention to detail. He frequently backed down from confrontation and was always quick to retreat when under fire from political rivals. He frequently appeared to be indecisive and ineffective, and did not define his priorities clearly. He seemed to be distrustful and uninterested in working with other groups, or even with Congress when controlled by his own party, which he denounced for being controlled by special interest groups. 

His indecisiveness lead to weak handling of the domestic American economy programs in energy, jobs and price controls. The foreign program policies were also feckless with the Iran hostage crisis; the Camp David Peace Accords between Egypt and Israel; and the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT) with Russia all have ended up in the ash heap of historical failures -- looks just like the Obama administration failures too.

Famous Last Words - "One-Term"

Obama told The Today Show’s Matt Lauer on February 1, 2009, “Look, I’m at the start of Did I say that?my administration. One nice thing about the situation I find myself in is that I will be held accountable. You know, I’ve got four years.” 

“A year from now I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress,” said Obama. ”But there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”


Right to Bear Arms - Behind the Obama Plans 

I recently received an email about a seemingly straight-forward news item. In part it read:

Subject: Who is buying companies manufacturing GUNS ????????

George Soros"The Freedom Group who is owned by a company called Cerberus Capital Management, controlled by George Soros!!!!!!! If you don't know who George Soros is you need to do some research. He backed Obama with millions of dollars and Obama is a puppet on a string controlled by Soros, one of the most evil men on this planet who wants to restrict or ban all  civilian guns", yada, yada, yada.

A few things bothered me about that email:  First, it appeared to be one of those "pass it around viral Internet email" types that had the tell-tale odor of the forever long chain of "cc: Jim Smith, Mary Jones, Bill Doe, etc., etc.", links of a lot of names showing it had been endlessly sent from mailbox to mailbox, etc.  Secondly, it was dated material, from October 19, 2009, according to a linked WSJ newspaper article attachment, that indicated it had been around the block, so it was really old. Thirdly, it contained those "GUNS??????" or "GEORGE SOROS!!!!!!!!", ridiculous capitalized word phrases with many multiple exclamation marks at the end emphasizing a point, which by the way gets lost in those marked distractions, but I digress.

So, what made me want to look into it further, was it curiosity? Maybe a little, but as I initially searched to find the out the truth I even discovered this impressive disclaimer on the official NRA-ILA Washington, DC website.


Internet Rumors About Cerberus, Freedom Group Are Patently False

Friday, October 14, 2011

Recently, an old rumor regarding Cerberus--the private equity firm that owns Freedom group, a holding company that in turn owns a number of firearms manufacturers, including Remington, Marlin, Bushmaster, and DPMS--was in some way tied to George Soros.

This rumor is completely false and baseless.

NRA has had contact with officials from Cerberus and Freedom Group for some time.  The owners and investors involved are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and are avid hunters and shooters.

In reality, at no time has George Soros ever been a part of the ownership group of Freedom Group or Cerberus, and as a privately traded corporation, there is no possibility that he will be in the future.

This unsubstantiated rumor has caused a great deal of unnecessary concern for gun owners. NRA-ILA urges our members to take great care before repeating baseless rumors found on the Internet.

Copyright 2012, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030   800-392-8683


Reference Websites

Not one to leave any stone unturned, I looked up these factoids on and, two well regarded honest resources by many bloggers and frequently visited sites for getting through the rumor mill buzz on questionable tales in the Internet World.  They both confirmed the rumors as untrue, nothing more than speculative On-line chatter.   It seemed as though this email content was debunked, or was it yet?

I then decided to look into those two popular rumor reference sites.'s owners were David and Barbara Mikkelson, atheists, major Obama donors and financed by Peter Soros. located on campus at the liberal progressive Annenberg Public Policy Center, Penn State University, is financed by, a Peter Soros left-wing liberal activist organization. 

After that scathing NRA-ILA October, 2011 open letter, "Internet Rumors About Cerberus, Freedom Group Are Patently False" denouncing any connections to George Soros, I decided to check out the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) located in Washington, D.C.  George Kollitides, a Cerberus managing director, is helping oversee Freedom Group and also serves on the boards of Remington Arms, Marlin Firearms, DPMS Panther Firearms and Bushmaster Firearms. He has twice run unsuccessfully for an National Rifle Association board seat --and there was speculation somehow about ties to George Soros. Hmmn...

In examining Freedom group, a little known company that was started in 2006, Cerberus--a private equity firm now owns it and has grown into a big player in the rifle and small arms industry, is a holding company that in turn owns a number of firearms manufacturers before and after the acquisition, including Remington, Marlin, Bushmaster, Advance Armament Corp, Harrington & Richardson, New England Firearms, Dakota Arms, Smith Parker and Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) Panther Arms and Barnes Bullets.

Obviously, Freedom Group, Cerberus, now has control of a majority of the firearms companies in the United States. This infers an oligarchy, within an elite board of Directors, in a privately-owned United States company that can choose what, who and how products are sold in the marketplace. This includes what automatic and semi-automatic assault rifles or hand guns and bullets are produced and sold; which civilian, law enforcement or military owners are owners; and how sales are restricted as to the types and quantities of weapons or ammunition sold either by setting unaffordably high retail pricing policies or licensing user permits and setting fees high enough to restrict affordable wide-spread ownership to the general public. This toxic business formula conjures up the fuel for the perfect storm about Second Amendment Rights.

Cerberus Capital Management, LP named for the mythical three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld. It's the hedge fund-cum-private equity firm that bought Chrysler and GMAC in 2007 for next to nothing. Chrysler was a public company, just as GM and Ford are today. But, as a private equity firm, Cerberus Capital Management, bought Chrysler, taking the firm private in 2008. And there's little or no precedent for the government aiding a private company that has no stockholders among the public. However, in the TARP debacle, Chrysler was then bailed out and Cerberus walked away with all of their private investments and profits.  Hmmn...

Cerberus also controls some 226 Burger King restaurants, Pre-Paid Legal Services, the National and Alamo car-rental chains, building products maker Formica Corp. and the old Warner Hollywood Studios.

The Cerberus Capital Management, Limited Partnership website biographies listing for U.S. Executive Officers, Senior Managing Directors & other Senior Personnel and Non-U.S. Senior Personnel provides one answer for the George Soros connection if one focuses in on the management personnel and investors, a pattern develops about all of them. Many are Bilderberg Group members as well as George Soros which implies that such a tight lipped, closely knit group would share tightly held shared objectives too.

George Soros and these Cerberus associates are Bilderberg Group members:

Cerberus Management:   J. Danforth Quayle, U.S. V.P.; Pieter Korteweg, Cerbus Vice Chairman and Senior Advisor.

Cerberus Investors: Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, John W. Snow, President George W. Bush's second United States Secretary of the Treasury.

Other members not involved with Cerberus, is impressive too.  It includes a full spectrum of influential world leaders like Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, Jeff Bezos, Bill Clinton, H.W. Bush, David Rockerfeller and many more. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton attended the meeting in 2008. See the list of Bilderberg members that attended the last meeting, June 2011, in Switzerland.

Bilderberg Group

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands founded the highly secretive group with their first meeting in 1954. Hotel De Bilderberg where the Meetings Started.Bilderberg meetings are generally held in remote locations making it easier to throw a security cordon around its members - See Membership List. What goes on in these clandestine meetings is completely confidential. Well known Bilderberg attendees in recent years include President Gerald Ford, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker. Bilderbergers in the UK include former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, David Miliband, Ed Balls, Chancellor George Osborne, university professors, directors of economics think tanks, and the chief executives of just about every major corporation including Shell, Nokia, H.J. Heinz, Barclay’s Bank, IBM, and many, many others. It’s the world’s A-team of international powerbrokers.


Their meeting agenda is simple, that of a One World Government, controlled by an elite group with specific aims towards that end:

  • Empowering international institutions, to create an international identity.
  • Zero-economic growth across the world, with a redistribution of wealth and labor.
  • Manufacturing crisis after crisis so that the people will become apathetic and easily controlled.
  • Creating international trading blocks, such as the EU and a North American Union
  • Expanding powers of the UN, through Agenda 21*, including creation of global taxation to the UN.

*Like many ‘green movement initiatives’ Agenda 21 is a ‘wolf in sheep's clothing’.  Agenda 21 is not an environmental management policy, but an attempt to impose a global centrally planned quasi-government administered by the United Nations.

One common practice of the Bilderberg Group is to invite potential future heads of state to their meetings, to see if they will go along with their agenda. To cite a few examples, George H. W. Bush attended the 1985 meeting, Bill Clinton attended in 1991, Tony Blair in 1993, and Ramano Prodi, former head of the EU Commission in 1999.

In Chantilly, Virginia in 2008, Barak Obama alongside Hillary Clinton, whom he had just dominated in the primary, attended the meeting. Undoubtedly, Obama gained their approval and backing during that meeting to continue on to win the Presidency.

More Questions than Answers

The National Rifle Association has stated on their website: Internet Rumors About Cerberus, Freedom Group Are Patently False --"This unsubstantiated rumor has caused a great deal of unnecessary concern for gun owners. NRA-ILA urges our members to take great care before repeating baseless rumors found on the Internet." The assurance that, "In reality, at no time has George Soros ever been a part of the ownership group of Freedom Group or Cerberus, and as a privately traded corporation, there is no possibility that he will be in the future",  is a bold promise with absolute surety, yeah, right!

Although this advice appears to be merely instructional on the surface, I read more meaning in-between the lines.  It reveals an odd appeal from a behemoth organization of a sense of truly almost alarming concern from them simply over a rumour. Strangely, there is certainly a lot of activity going on in the the Second Amendment rights area by the Federal Government along with all of these private firearms companies being gobbled up so quickly. These NRA members can decide themselves whether they feel "a great deal of unnecessary concern", not the NRA-ILA as they assess these activities.  Lastly, the additional mix of the Bilderberg Group certainly does spice up this controversy and adds more questions than answers too! 

ObamaCare - Lyme Disease Care Ticks Off Patients

Deer Tick Range - Lyme DiseaseUp until a year ago, in 2011, I never paid any attention to Lyme disease since I lived in the western states and it was generally reported geographically in the states east of the Mississippi River. It is named for Lyme, Connecticut, a town where, in 1975, scientists discovered that an outbreak of juvenile arthritis cases was actually caused by a tick-borne bacterial infection.  It was attributed to the deer tick bite, considered treatable with antibiotics within eight weeks or so with little residual side-effects. It seemed to be a minor health threat.

I became keenly aware of Lyme disease when I moved into a community in North Dallas, Texas. My neighbor living across the street mentioned one day that his young wife, twenty-eight years old, was not9 out 10 Cases NOT reported - Actual number is 10X reported. (More than 14,000 cases are reported annually) feeling up to par and was feeling tired and had laid down to nap. He told me that five years earlier in North Texas, during an Easter Egg hunt, a tick bite on her head produced Lyme disease. I did not realize it was so debilitating.

This year, 2012, my neighbor mentioned his wife was still not feeling the best with good and not so good days. That evening, I was browsing movies on Netflix and one caught my eye, "Under Our Skin". The program reads: "The real-life thriller exposes the controversy surrounding chronic Lyme disease and follows the stories of individuals fighting for their lives." The documentary movie, released in 2008, was an hour and a half, and considered for an Oscar nomination.  It was very well produced, full of up-to-date medical findings as well as documented with actual T.V. broadcasts surrounding the controversy, interviews with patients and medical doctors as well as findings from medical review boards.  It presented all views on diagnosis, treatment, cures, prognosis and research studies of the disease. I highly recommend the movie.  See the Online Utube movie short below:

Lyme disease is currently one of the fastest-growing vector-borne diseases in the United States. It has been reported in all fifty states and has grown overseas to include all of Europe, Asia and the middle East too.


Is there a vaccine for Lyme disease?

Vaccines were on the market, however, on Feb. 25, 2002, the manufacturer announced that the LYMErix™ Lyme disease vaccine would no longer be commercially available. Further studies of vaccines are needed. For now, ideal prevention focuses on  spraying insect repellant containing DEET onto exposed skin can help and wearing long clothing can protect the skin.

Obviously, the prevention procedures are a meager stopgap in protection, much less blocking the advancement of this insidious insect pest and its airborne bacterium or even an ultimate vaccine.  The focus, then, should really be on an immunization regimen or, as far-sighted bio-researchers have discovered, the ultimate medicine involving a stem cell biocure.

OBAMACARE - Here is the Real Rest of the Story

The "symbiotic key" to the future of all medical science conquering diseases is the stem cell bio-research studies. Stem cells appear to hold a close association between two or more different organisms that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member and yet still share like protective antibodies fighting against common diseases or maladies.  

In the meantime, our medical research community efforts could be a collective, shared vacuum of ideas that enables all researchers to achieve immediate and long-term goals. This cost-saving prescription for success enables everyone to avoid unnecessary duplication costs of equipment capitalization, personnel staff and research efforts. It does not include, however, the most important factor, the Obamacare Program. How, you say?

Obamacare Medical Oversight Board & In-Plan Coverage

Under Obamacare, the Medical Oversight Board set up the National Healthcare Program Medical Guidelines for permissible patient care treatments and allowable in-plan coverage. Which diseases are undesirable to treat? Ones that are open-ended, of course. HIV is an open-ended disease, one with no end to the patient drug maintenance treatments or medical procedures for quality of life, because there is no foreseeable cure. Fortunately, it is a political hot potato program that garnered a lot of funding, research efforts and focus because of gay rights issues.  Many other illnesses, however, are deserving of the same attentions too, but lack political clout or public notoriety. Lyme Disease is one of the casualties.

The dilemma is that Lyme Disease is open-ended treatment and is a "Big Pharma" (Pharmaceutical Industrial Giants) political football. It is seen as a gateway research disease to understanding and unlocking the world of stem cell research and Big Pharma profits.  But, it is also viewed as too costly to treat because it is open ended and the Obamacare Gatekeepers, the Medical Oversight Board, wants to keep Lyme disease in check by "coordinating" with Big Pharma to clinically define the disease cured after a four week treatment period with routine antibiotics. Further prophylactic medicinal drug maintenance is discouraged because after four weeks it is deemed a psychosomatic condition due to imagined feelings of malaise and tiredness. This joint concurrence documents elimination of further medicine treatments and allowable compensation for that coverage. (See the CDC Report at the bottom) The Obamacare Healthcare Program is now off the hook to treat the patients further due to this clinical finding. The private insurance companies are now off the hook too. Here is a glaring example about cooperation between Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Private Insurance within a grossly broken national health system! ...And, this is just one way of many "short-cuts" of the Obamacare patient coverage ramping up!

Big Pharma, Big Govt, Big Insurance, Big Profits - Everybody Wins?

The research and for developing pharmaceutical products or medical diagnostics involving all  "Patents and Other Genomic Inventions" dramatically changed as of Thursday, July 13, 2000.

"The patentability of inventions under U.S. law is determined by the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in the Department of Commerce. In general, raw products of nature are not patentable. DNA products usually become patentable when they have been isolated, purified, or modified to produce a unique form not found in nature. Currently over three million genome-related patent applications have been filed. U.S. patent applications are confidential until a patent is issued, so determining which sequences are the subject of patent applications is impossible. Those who use sequences from public databases today risk facing a future injunction if those sequences turn out to be patented by a private company on the basis of previously filed patent applications."

"The patenting of gene fragments is controversial too. Some say that patenting such discoveries is inappropriate because any given EST, expressed sequence tags of gene fragments, the effort to find it is small compared with the actual long laborious work of isolating and characterizing a gene and gene product, finding out what it does, and then developing a commercial product. Some researchers feel that allowing holders of such "gatekeeper" patents to exercise undue control over the commercial fruits of genome research would be unfair."

The apparent coalition of Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Insurance for their mutual benefit is obvious in controlling patient services oversight too.

  1. Can a free open market program where Insurance companies cross state lines to bring in more competition along with tort reforms for litigation lawyer fees and reduced damage awards bring down medical costs?
  2. What can be done about high Pharmaceutical research and manufacturing costs which produce expensive drugs in order to recapture costs and return profits, which is another major patient concern? 
  3. Have you talked to your own physician about your concern on these issues?

You now can decide if the Federal Government is looking out for your best interests through the National Obamacare Health Program.  Read what is being promoted on the official CDC website below:


Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention


Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome

(Excerpted Information Provided by C.D.C)

Approximately 10 to 20% of patients treated for Lyme disease with a recommended 2-4 week course of antibiotics will have lingering symptoms of fatigue, pain, or joint and muscle aches1. In some cases, these can last for more than 6 months. Although often called “chronic Lyme disease,” this condition is properly known as “Post-treatment Lyme disease Syndrome” (PTLDS).

The exact cause of PTLDS is not yet known. Most medical experts believe that lingering symptoms are due to residual damage to the tissues and the immune system that occurred during the infection. Similar complications and auto-immune responses are known to occur following other infectious diseases.

In contrast, a few health care providers tell patients that these symptoms reflect persistent infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. However, there is no credible scientific evidence that PTLDS is caused by persistent infection. More importantly, studies have shown that patients treated with prolonged courses of antibiotics do not do better than patients treated with placebo.

References -

  1. Marques, A. Chronic Lyme disease: a review. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2008; 22:341-60.
  2. Feder, et al. A Critical Appraisal of “Chronic Lyme Disease”. New Eng. J. Med. 2008; 357:1422-30.