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Chinese Applicants Flood U.S. Graduate Schools

This story is a blatant indictment about the middle class U.S. citizens who have the freedom to attend U.S. Graduate Schools and don't.

Sadly, American students are being dumbed down in our public schools to become scholastic underachievers. Our union public educators talk, talk, talk about teacher's tenures, health benefits and retirement programs instead of teaching skills and student welfare. Practically, the U.S. schools should be returned to the local and state governments from the grasp of the Federal Government Programs and Unions. We have to protect our children and take our country back from Washington politics.

"More than ever, Chinese students have their sights set on U.S. graduate schools. Chinese Campus College Recruiter China's expanding middle class has fueled an interest in expensive U.S. schools, as has corporations' interest in hiring local talent with Western exposure. As the quality of undergraduate institutions in China improves, more young people are also finding U.S. programs within reach. And as more Chinese students attend U.S. schools, burgeoning they encourage friends and colleagues to apply in what is called a "multiplier effect."

The outsized rate of growth in China is due in part to a concerted effort by some U.S. schools to attract Chinese students. The thinking, sayCollege Applicant Line school administrators, is that international students who stay in academia will connect U.S. schools with new research partners, while those entering the corporate world may become clients of business schools' lucrative executive education programs.

Application volume from China rose 18% for U.S. master's and doctoral programs starting this fall, according to a new report from the Council of Graduate Schools that provides a preliminary measure of application trends. Specific programs of interest include engineering, business and earth sciences.

That is on top of a 21% jump in 2011 and a 20% rise in 2010—and is the seventh consecutive year of double-digit gains from China, according to the graduate-school industry group. Applications from China now comprise nearly half of all international applications to U.S. graduate programs."

Good News - Bad News

Heightened competition from other countries are now attracting many foreign students to their higher education institutions. These countries are increasing investments in higher education, specifically in graduate programs, and viable competitors are emerging as they gain internationally recognized accreditation. So, how is the United States measuring up?

According to the Institute for International Education, the U.S. enrolled 20% of all international students—undergraduate and graduate—in higher education in 2010 ...but down from 28% in 2001.  So, projecting this myopic perspective into the near future the results become clearer close up, this hardly is something to be wildly optimistic about going forward as the International student enrollment drops.    

So, does this downturn in Chinese applications now offer openings to our own U.S. citizens a chance to apply in a graduate studies program?   ...Or, can U.S. students really even qualify?


Obama Election Baiting the Down-Trodden

The Down-Trodden in this 2012 Election

In order to bring unity Obama as the President of the United States of America is pulling together people, communities and political parties to resolve their differences. 

There will be no Race-baiting to the lowly base values of skin color to obtain voter sympathy and gratuitious bigotted pandering in any electioneering.


Obama puts on his 2012 Election Blackface Act

So instead, during this election season the Obama Campaign machine is tirelessly turning over every rock to expose the travesties against the down-trodden: Minorities - especially blacks; 99% People left behind - economically screwed by the 1% Rich Folks; and Elderly Medicare Recipients - scared about losing their health insurance coverage.

The President has also weighed in on the Trayvon Martin killing by saying that, "If I had a son, he would look like TraObama showing his true colors.yvon." Obama, thereby, is inferring categorically the shooting as a "race case" to politicize it for his reelection campaign message rhetoric. After all, this crime was perpetrated by a white, oops, a light skinned Hispanic, on a black. It's no matter that the real evidence and case has not been ajudicated yet, only news leaks. Obama's statement further inflamed and charged up the Congressional Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee into racially motivated hate publicity against injustice to black people in our American society by white people.

 Lights, Camera, Action! - The 2012 Campaign is on!


Obama Swan Song: "California Here I Come!"

"California, Here I Come"

It's a song written for the 1921 Broadway musical Bombo, starring Al Jolson. The song was written by Jolson who recorded the song in 1924. It is often called the unofficial state song of California. After being born and living for fifty-six years in the Golden State, it was my Swan Song to go, it was time to move on before all of the taxes went ever higher on everything. California became one of the greatest welfare states because the tax increases were simply about political power to send money to the people who live off big government. Currently, the California income tax is 10.3%, fourth behind Hawaii and Oregon at 11% and New York at 13% where the national average is under 6% and nine have no income taxes. Governor Brown wants 13.3% and the Unions even higher to support larger government union pay and pension plans.

I bring this little matter of tax revenues up since many states are now running deficits and raising taxes to cover the current government overhead, much less than even meeting their over-promised and under-funded pension plans. In the not so near future, they are realistically looking at bankruptcies on the horizon, some say by 2015. Does the phrase, "Too big to fail" ring a bell from the not so distant past?

The Answer - Obamanation of The United States

How about bypassing Congress again? This time sign another new Presidential Executive Order for a Federal States Czar who dictates that everyone must share equally in the common good of all states?  Therefore, any states that are fiscally making more money must immediately be subject to a federal income tax that redistributes their citizens' money equally to other states who cannot keep up with their government spending programs. That sure sounds like kind of a Constitutional type Law, huh?

If that program doesn't work, then the Federal Reserve can just float some more state bonds and finance their debt by printing more money, thereby raising the federal deficit for everyone even further.

Obama to the Rescue!

...Sure all sounds good to me!  How about you?          


Obamacare's Broken Promises

This bill is 100% owned, drafted, and written by the DEMOCRATS. Not a single Republican voted for it!  In fact, Obama had to bribe (D) Mary Landieu of Louisiana with a huge promise to pay for her state's healthcare costs as well as fund the Cornhusker Kickback to Senators Levin, Nelson, and Sanders to get them to vote for the Obamacare Bill. The Republicans had NOTHING to do with that disaster!

Please ask Obama to hold his Democrat Senators accountable for not doing their defined duty in presenting a budget for over 3 years now. This is unbelievable that Democrats can get away with not honoring this critical part of their job description.

On 09/09/09 Obama said, "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits."  Bottom line, Obama knows a budget would prove how Obamacare adds many dimes to our deficits. Isn't this a way to keep at least one campaign promise? ...No Budget deficits, by virtue of showing no Federal Budget Plan?  

Maybe Democrats should pass the Budget Bill the way they did the Obamacare Bill and then Pelosi would say, "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

...we are sooo screwed ...again!


Life - Rolling the Dice 

Thirty-four years ago, during an all week San Diego business trip I came down with a debilitating flu that forced me to return home to Los Angeles midweek. I scheduled that Wednesday to take off at 9:00 am at Lindberg Field, but was so sick while leaving my hotel that I missed my flight and instead rescheduled it at 10:00 am. I should remind people that this was the days of no 24/7 newscasts, iPhones and the like. At that time, being ill, I was not interested in the newspaper or television, just getting to my flight on time.

As I arrived at the airport another passenger in line told me what had just happened, a mid-air collision. As I boarded my PSA Jet and sat down, I figured the possibilities of another crash like that had just moved up into the zillions to one chance for that kind of accident again that day. Anyway, I was so sick that I just wanted to fly home to go to bed. As I took off flying up through and over the black smoke as it was still wafting up into the skies from the air crash site, the realization hit that it could have been me. 

Message here?   Everyone is born with an expiration date stamp on their forehead. Always look around at the other airplane passengers sitting next to you to make sure theirs is not stamped with today's date.  LOL!

Mid-air Collision kills 153

PSA Jet & Cessna Plane - Simulated Impact PointPacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) Flight 182 was a Boeing 727-214 commercial airliner jet collides in mid-air with a private Cessna 172 over San Diego, killing 153 people at 9:00 am on Wednesday, September 25, 1978. The wreckage of the planes fell into a populous neighborhood and did extensive damage on the ground.

This was Pacific Southwest Airlines' first accident involving fatalities, the death toll of 144 makes it the deadliest aircraft disaster in California history. It was also the deadliest plane crash in the history of the United States until American Airlines Flight 191 went down eight months later.

David Lee Boswell and his instructor, Martin Kazy, were in the process of a flying lesson in a single-engine Cessna 1732 on the morning of September 25, practicing approaches at San Diego's Lindbergh Field airport. After two successful passes, Boswell aimed the Cessna toward the Montgomery Field airport northeast of San Diego.

At the same time, Pacific Southwest Flight 182 was approaching San Diego. The jet, a Boeing 727, was carrying 144 passengers and crew members from Sacramento, after a stopover in Los Angeles. Though air-traffic controllers at Lindbergh had told Boswell to keep the Cessna below 3,500 feet altitude as it flew northeast, the Cessna did not comply and changed course without informing the controllers.

The pilots of Flight 182 could see the Cessna clearly at 9 a.m., but soon lost sight of it and failed to inform the controllers. Meanwhile, the conflict-alert warning system began to flash at the air-traffic control center. However, because the alert system went off so frequently with false alarms, it was ignored. The controllers believed that the pilots of the 727 had the Cessna in view. Within a minute, the planes collided.

The fuel in the 727 burst into a massive fireball upon impact. A witness on the ground reported that she saw her "apples and oranges bake on the trees." The Boeing and Cessna nose-dived straight into San Diego's North Park neighborhood, destroying 22 homes and killing seven people on the ground. All 144 people on the 727 were killed, as well as both of the Cessna's pilots, 153 total.

The midair collision contributed to San Diego's Lindbergh Field airport being ranked 10th among the world's Most Extreme Airports in a two-hour documentary of the same name released in July 2010, which aired in the U.S. on the History Channel. The PSA 182 accident caused the revision of air traffic rules applicable to the busiest airports across the U.S., with the intention of improving separation of aircraft operating in the vicinity of large airports.