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Obama Campaign Nickelodeon Slime

 Get Out & VOTE the Obama-Biden Ticket!

Slime is a green, semi-viscous, sticky, gooey substance that has been synonymous with Nickelodeon Website GraphicsNickelodeon. It is typically dumped on a person's head in an act of either humiliation or celebration, in an act called "being slimed".

Nickelodeon has called their recent actions "a mistake" following a scandal involving actor Jason Biggs, who sent a series of extremely graphic and lewd tweets before having his page promoted by the Nickelodeon network.

Further, "The offensive comments made by Jason  Biggs last week on his personal twitter account do not reflect our company’s views or values, and we condemn them. Nickelodeon does not support or condone the use of graphic or vulgar language on any of our platforms."

Also, “It was our mistake to link from our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles twitter feed to Jason’s personal twitter account, and we quickly corrected our error.  We also insisted Jason use better judgment and discretion in public communications while affiliated with our brand.” ....How about fired?

Biggs, however, will still keep his job as the voice of Leo in the new “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” reboot.  Where is the loud public indignation here?

But let’s start from the beginning. Biggs on Wednesday, August 12, tweeted this which was being deleted on the internet literally as this story was released:

And followed up with a Paul Ryan masturbation joke:

But Biggs wasn’t done, not even close. Late Thursday, as the RNC was reaching its climax with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s nomination acceptance speech, the actor decided to also go after Ann Romney’s private parts:

Surely someone so vile and disrespectful of women would have to be part of the Republican “war on women” right? Not quite. Not surprisingly, Biggs has a general disdain for Republicans and apparently Christians as well.

Finally, Biggs ended his offensive Twitter rant with a retweet about Janna Ryan’s breasts:

The backlash from conservatives has been severe, with sites like Michelle Malkin’s, Life News and other outlets picking up the story, rightfully outraged by the tweets. However, an apology does not appear to be coming from Biggs anytime soon.

On Friday, in his first tweet since, the actor reminded everyone: “You know I put my d*ck in a pie, right?”



Strange, why I haven't heard or seen any filthy images or words from any Romney-Ryan supporters yet?


A Real Empty Chair - Just ask Charlie Brown 

As conservatives were focusing all their attention on the performance of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, the leftists were hemorrhaging about the disrespect and overt racism by Clint Eastwood’s “Empty Chair” routine on Obama. Hmmn... some people just reach conclusions prejudicially even when it's not!

A New Stealth Obama Presidential Executive Order

Carbon Emissions Controls

While all eyes were on the empty chair, the real occupant actually was elsewhere doing more damage yet. Little attention was given to an executive order issued on Thursday, August 29, 2012 by President Obama that targeted industrial “efficiency” and carbon emissions. “Today, we are taking another step to strengthen American manufacturing by boosting energy efficiency for businesses across the nation,” said President Obama.

Obama repeated his re-election mantra, “This action will cut costs, increase efficiency, and help our businesses create strong, middle class jobs. We’ll continue to do everything we can to put more people back to work and build an economy that lasts”.

The Presidential executive order, which bypasses Congressional vote, aims to increase the number of cogeneration plants in the U.S. by 50 percent by 2020 and slash carbon emissions by 150 million tons per year, is the administration’s latest effort to “deploy cleaner and more efficient energy production in the country by working around political resistance to climate change and ‘green’ energy legislation on Capitol Hill”.

Factoid:  CHP (Combined Heat & Power) is most efficient when heat can be used on-site or very close to the cogeneration plants. Overall efficiency is reduced when the heat must be transported over longer distances. This requires heavily insulated pipes, which are expensive and inefficient; whereas electricity can be transmitted along a comparatively simple wire, and over much longer distances for the same energy loss. (More wrong-headed, costly Green Energy Programs)

Obama's Executive Order: 

The Federal Government has limited but important authorities to overcome … barriers, and our efforts to support investment in industrial energy efficiency and CHP [Combined heat and power] should involve coordinated engagement with a broad set of stakeholders.


If duly elected representatives of the people get in the way of “climate change”, also known as “global warming“ or as ”global cooling”, this legislation will work around them anyway.


Super PAC Ads - Pack a Punch

Unbiased Romney Documentary Film Release

Negative advertising and campaigning in the 2012 Presidential Election are at historic highs. Do both sides use it?  You bet.  Does it work?  You bet. This kind of campaigning is as old as our republic too.  

The story of dirty tricks in American politics begins with the first campaign for President of the United States, in the 1790s. Thomas Jefferson hired journalist and pamphleteer James Thomas Callender to slander his opponent, Alexander Hamilton.

In 1972, U.S. Political history shenanigans like the Watergate campaigning scandal proves that mudslinging was alive and well over 200 years later. 

Why would politicians in 2012, forty years after Watergate, change this winning strategy going forward? So, wild pot-shots, below-the-belt attacks and scurrilous accusations are still the red meat of bi-partisan political innuendos and character assassinations.

So, the educated electorate must use caution as they process the political messages, caveat emptor, buyer beware!

It is important to the nation and critical to the American people that Romney and Ryan get beyond all of the side distractions and the "new normal" that the President wants us to accept for our lot in life as a country among many in the global mix, the One World Order.




An Affair to Remember - Or Forget?

Obama - Baker Affair

Michael van der Galien
by Michael van der Galien
Posted on May 3 2010 10:00 am
Michael van der Galien was born in the Dutch city of Leeuwarden in 1984. For as long as he can remember, he has been obsessed with the United States. When he was 17 years old, he started blogging - of course about America. His articles have been published at Big Hollywood, Pajamas Media, Hot Air (the GreenRoom) and Right Across The Atlantic. He's also an editor for the Dutch conservative blog, De Dagelijkse Standaard.

From the looks of it, Obama could be in more trouble than even his most passionate opponents thought. According to the National Inquirer, Obama had an affair with his former aide Vera Baker.

While Baker has insisted in the past that “nothing happened” between them, reports reveal that top anti-Obama operatives are offering more than $1 million to witnesses to reveal what they know about the alleged hush-hush affair.

Among those being offered money is a limo driver who says in 2004 that he took Vera to a secret hotel rendezvous in a Washington hotel where Obama was staying.

An ENQUIRER reporter has confirmed the limo driver’s account of the secret 2004 rendezvous and has also learned that on-site hotel surveillance video camera footage could provide indisputable evidence to the investigation.

It’s remarkable that this news isn’t covered by the mainstream media. First of all, this isn’t merely a rehash of old reports. Secondly, the Lewinsky-affair proved that affairs of presidents are newsworthy – to put it mildly.   Thirdly, and lastly, the National Inquirer was the only one who had the courage to report on former Democratic candidate for president John Edwards’ affair with Rielle Hunter. The mainstream media ignored this scandal, arguing that the NI was little more than a gossip magazine and, therefore, not exactly reliable. A year later, however, Edwards had to admit that he did indeed have an affair with Hunter (while his wife was suffering from breast cancer) and that she had given birth to their daughter.

As an aside I have to say that I hope that this whole controversy will not contribute to Obama’s downfall: leftists should be defeated because of their political views, not because of what they do in their private time.


What Business Success?

"If you were successful, you didn't get there on your own!" ...Oh really Mr. President?

I can honestly say that Obama for sure did not get where he is on his own at all. Obama has many miracles in his life.... just listen and watch this brief rundown.  Tell me what they are!