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Have You Voted?


I mailed in my absentee ballot last week just in case I would be somehow unavailable to vote.  Many reasons come to mind, but one excuse seems like quite a reach until you consider some undeniable facts.

I recently opened my Wall Street Journal newspapers in which they repeatedly announced early voting for election day just around the corner on November 6, 2012.  However, it was not those announcements that spurred me.  It actually was other articles at different times in the papers.

I read about Andy Williams, Alex Karras, Whitney Houston, Thomas Kinkade, Mike Wallace, Dick Clark, Vidal Sassoon, Robin Gibbs, Ray Bradbury, Andy Griffith, Sally Ride, Gore Vidal, Phyliss Diller, ad infinitum.  They all died.  Hmmn...  The point here is simple, literally. GO Vote before it's too late! ..LOL!

  "Do not resent growing old. Many are denied the privilege." ~ Irish proverb 


VOTE EARLY - Nov 6, 2012!  ~




The Magical Month's Surprise

"Abra... Abracadabra, the numbers will reach out and grab ya!"

The Magician &              The Sorcerer

Hey! Isn't this the notorious month before the November Presidential Elections? It's time for the big "October Surprise"! So who's going to pull a rabbit out of the hat to lie and distort the facts?

The Sorcerer had attempted during the Veep Debate to conger up and cast a mind-boggling spell over the electorate to distort, stonewall and lie about the facts on the 9/11/12 Islamic Terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. His loud, boisterous, chiding chants during his own riotous laughter disrupted the debate so that all of the voters clearly heard clown talk from a  guy that's a bullet away from the Presidency.

The Magician failed to "Wow!" the folks with the unemployment rate below 8% given that the 7.8% in all likelihood will be adjusted upward as all of these numbers have done after every rollout during the Obama administration. Obama cannot wave a wand to make these bad numbers simply disappear before election day, November 6th, 2012.

After four years, the deep, dark secret is finally out... there never really was a "Master Magician" or "Grand Sorcerer", only a Magician's assistant and a Sorcerer's apprentice doing amateur shell games to hide all of their moves!  It's time to stop with the all of the illusions and look at reality. We need true leadership - Vote Romney and Ryan!


The Obama Porch Monkey

“Never hold discussions with the Monkey...

when the Organ Grinder is in the room.”

- Winston Churchill -

Jo-Jo the Monkey-Man

It looks like after a six days quarantine away from the public venue and the press, David Axelrod thought he had trained his Veep monkey. Joe Biden's handlers clamped a collar around his neck with a short leash as they led him out to the debate stage to Paul Ryan. Joe played for the folks as hilarity broke out in a series of missteps and calamities. He chattered loudly with shrill screeches while smirking, grimacing, toothy, wide Capuchin monkey smiles at Paul Ryan as his pained handlers stood by in the wings. Paul Ryan jerked Joe's leash hard at at times when he stepped way over the line, but to no avail.

Joe's organ grinder was returning from a campaign trip onboard Air Force One and watched his monkey go wild as he scampered about the debate stage.  Many viewers really turned off and stopped listening to the monkey grind out the same political ear-shattering, off-tempo tune that was not in key to the voters.

A monkey may be able to write Shakespeare on a typewriter, but never put one on a music box to crank out your tune in a debate. After all, if you have to do it yourself anyway, never let the folks play with your monkey or he may turn around to bite you in the ass instead. Joe certainly left his teeth marks on Barak's butt cheeks too.


The upcoming second Presidential debate stakes couldn't be higher since the needle on the GIVE A DAMN-O-METER this time did not budge for the Obama-Biden ticket. After all, Biden's sole target was aimed at recapturing a demoralized Obama voters base upset about his first poor presidential debate performance.

So if the polls did not move, what did? The Romney-Ryan narrative, which was the bulls-eye shot of the night that introduced Paul Ryan for the first time to many voters as solid Veep material.  

The shift of uncommitted/undecided voters for either ticket was sullied by Joe Biden's rude, disruptive, boisterous interruptions making it impossible for either candidate to complete sentences, much less clearly explain their positions fully.  That was not fair to the voters to see the sitting Vice President jeering and talking over Paul Ryan and not letting him speak his piece... I certainly hope Joe will be quiet during Paul Ryan's swearing-in ceremony in January 2013.   LOL!


Obama's New Tune Going "Forward"

Obama "Forward" Policy Campaign

After a dismal first Presidential debate showing, Obama realizes he has to change his tune going "Forward". He might also consider changing out his viollin since he has just fiddled away his first term. Has he considered a tuba? Then, Obama can blast out his failed policies even louder to drown out electorate opposition.  Or maybe, he can beat out ear deafening boom, boom, booms on a big bass drum to rally everyone to march "Forward" to Obama's 2012 Campaign tune. 

Everyone has heard the comment, "Don't fall back!", but conversely you can fall "Forward" too by stumbling and tripping over your own feet as you go down. Obama's slogan is a warning message for voters in 2012: Going "Forward" with the Obama administration's downward spiral of failed policies of "leading from behind" in the war combating anti-americanism growing worldwide lead to further American decline.

The Learner vs. The Seasoned Professional

It's about time that we pull Obama's learner permit since he can't see over the steering wheel and his feet can't reach the pedals.  Let's put President-Elect Romney into the driver's seat so he can shift Obama's "Forward" gear stuck in "Reverse" out into "Drive" and steer the country forward toward recovery.


Deer Leader's First Debate 

The old saying, "Looks like a deer in headlights", certainly tells it all in last night's first Presidential Debate.

New York Mets catcher, Yogi Berra was labeled "Mr. Malaprop," but I don't think that's accurate. He doesn't use the wrong words, he just puts words together in ways nobody else would ever do. Yogi said, "Ninety percent of this game is half mental." and "We made too many wrong mistakes!" So, by last night's poor showing, the President showed he was not mentally engaged and grossly erred. Can he muster up his glitz and glamour aurora to razzle dazzle the electorate again? As Yogi said, "It ain't over 'till it's over."

A Debate night Tweet: 

i can't believe i'm saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter

So, according to comedian Bill Maher, in putting forth his opinion that many liberals and uncommitted voters finally realized, the jig is up, no pun or racism implied here but the King has no clothes.  He had laid bare his failures and unfilled promises to lead or in a bipartisan role to bring together both sides to agree on any budget in four years. 

Yogi said, "I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat, and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?"  Since Obama cannot blame Bush anymore and certainly not himself, he points to the minority Congressional Republicans and whined in the debate that he could not get everyone to agree with him.  That left it open for Romney to mention that he had an 85% majority of Democrat seats in the Massachusetts legislature and in spite still worked to pass state budgets and legislation for four years as a Republican Governor.

It looks like the electorate has finally awakened from its nap and is now sleepwalking towards election day on November 6.  Hopefully, voters will be fully awake before election day to realize how four more Obama years will affect them.  As Yogi Berra said, "There are some people who, if they don't already know, you can't tell 'em."  -  I guess that's some of the 47% that Romney was talking about!...

mitt romney and AP

Mitt Romney and the notorious "47%" comment.

Mitt Romney's comment about 47 percent of Americans living on government handouts may not have been tactful, but he certainly has a point.

Americans are more dependent on the government than ever.

Romney's "47 percent" refers approximately to the population who pay no federal income tax. This does include paid-in social security retirees, military, their dependents, etc.  Add to this the share of the country who receive government handouts in one form or another like Medicaid, welfare, housing allowance, food stamp recipients and that number would be higher still.