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UN Agenda 21 & ICLEI Programs


George Washington stressed the importance of private property when he said, “Private property and freedom are inseparable.”

And John Adams was also adamant on this issue, having affirmed, “Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist.”

For more than 35 years, the United Nations has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land. Agenda 21 and sustainable development are actually cloaked plans to impose the tenets of social justice and socialism on the world. A report from a 1976 U.N. conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, on human settlements lays out the position:

“Land … cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market."



In the late sixties the weather changes were predicted to be for a global winter, a horrible temperature drop that would kill crops and freeze people. Then, in the early eighties, when the cold did not come, the earth was warming up and the impending heat was going to raise the ocean levels as polar caps melted. burn up crops, cause skin cancer and kill people. In the mid nineties, when neither cold or heat matched any of their predictions, the earth was now choking from carbon and sulfur emissions that would, raise the hydrocarbon levels to elevate temperatures due to disappearing UV layers that cut down the sun rays unbearable exposure, choke off the oxygen creating poor air quality and cause crops to fail. In the two thousands, since "Global Cooling" and "Global Warming" failed, a new prediction now combines these two types into an amalgam that includes hydrocarbon air polution to effect "Climate Change".

Ex-Vice-President, Al Gore invested heavily in backing The Green Energy Movement for alternative energy sources to fossil and carbon based fuels. His movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", presented unfounded sensational scientific facts as it promoted his alternative energy ideas for wind, solar and biofuels. It fostered the term "The Al Gore Effect" which associated increased public belief from 41 percent to 50 percent that "the earth was warming" when a number of Americans viewed the film during its showing. This is the same Al Gore who at one time even stated that he invented the Internet.  Hmmn...


In 1987, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, first vice president of the Socialist International which is a socialist, communist and anarchist political group, got the attention of the United Nations about her Agenda 21 Program. Since then, she was the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the former prime minister of Norway. She has been active on issues of global significance for more than four decades as she served as an United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Change.

Under the United Nations Agenda 21 Program or the controversial International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), a collective of local governments and national and regional local government organizations are committed to radical environmental policies to eliminate private property rights.  The Green Environmental Initiatives, Greenhouse Gases with Carbon Taxes and restrictive EPA laws have been a looming cloud above the United States democracy for over the past twenty years. 

The Obama administration is now the perfect storm for this cloud to join up and settle over our land. The EPA is to become the premier federal agency for implementing Agenda 21 in the United States. Again, the general public is uneducated and stupid about sophisticated concepts and problems, ready to thoughtlessly vote again. The outlook looks pretty pathetic unless the tide can turn.


In recent months, citizen groups across the country have organized and become involved in the removal of towns and cities from membership in ICLEI. There are several Facebook groups working to illuminate the real purpose of Agenda 21 and ICLEI, including “Wake Up Call to Agenda 21,” “Resist UN Agenda 21” and “Stopping UN Agenda 21”; plus, many city and county Facebook groups have dedicated themselves to dismantling ICLEI’s substantial network.

While the awareness of Agenda 21 seems to have increased significantly in the past year, there is still much work to be done by those interested in blocking the redistributive social-and environmental-justice intentions embedded in both Agenda 21 and ICLEI.

The fight for property rights continued when advocates for Agenda 21, ICLEI and various global governance schemes gathered to mark the 20th anniversary of the initial announcement of this plan to create a global government through the subterfuge of environmentalism. The event sought “to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, assess the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development, and address new and emerging challenges.”

Without the continued vigilance of freedom-loving Americans, this movement threatens to overwhelm private property rights that our Founders knew are central to our liberty.


Hanky Panky 121: New Course - Old Subject

House Joint Resolution (H..J. Res.) 121

The Electoral College is an outdated system that violates democratic principles - says who? This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on October 23, 2012. It will typically be considered by committee next.

H.J.Res. 121: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to increase by 29 votes the number of electoral votes awarded to the candidate for President who receives the largest percentage of the popular vote.

Sponsor: Rep. Steve Israel [D-NY2]

What does this Amendment SAY?

It's about tiping the scales in favor of the popular votes without eliminating the electoral college votes and thereby giving the appearance they both still function as what the founders envisioned. This Constitutional Amendment increases by 29 electoral votes the number of electoral votes awarded to the candidate for President who receives the largest percentage of the total popular vote. It declares that these votes shall not be considered votes cast by Electors and shall not affect the total number of votes necessary to constitute a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed.

What does this Amendment DO?

An election like the 2000 Bush-Gore election where Gore received the popular vote and Bush won the electoral vote, then even though Bush lost the nation's popular vote to Gore by over half a million, he won the electoral college and the presidency with 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266.  The electoral vote, under this new amendment adding 29 votes, would have made Gore 295, as the winner!

What does this Amendment CREATE?

This assures many Black, Hispanic and Union voters scattered across the nation which may or may not reside within states with high electoral votes, by virtue of being the largest demographic liberal group in the majority of popular votes cast, is guaranteed 29 more electoral votes which virtually tips any election to the Democrats. 

What does this Amendment MEAN?

H.J.R. 121 - R.I.P.

This Electoral College was established by our country’s forefathers to ensure that the election of the President and Vice President was a fair decision. The electoral college does this by ensuring the President and Vice President are elected based on popular vote, in addition to Congressional vote by State electors. Since the Electoral College process is part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system. Due to the current Republican House majority this House Joint Resolution (H..J. Res.) 121 is DOA Hopefully, it will languish in committee and die!  


Groundhog Day Again 

Well, it's Four Years Later - DeJaVu

Mission accomplished:  Obama elected.  Country dejected.

The Republican predictions of a Presidential win on November 6, 2012 was as elusive as theIt's Groundhog Day in waking up to another Obama morning again. shadow that is seen by Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog. Just like the Bill Murray movie comedy, Groundhog Day, it looks like the reappearance of Barack Obama every day is the new reality show.

Albert Einstein - "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results."

This quote from Albert Einstein is one that most of us have seen before – several times. And it often pops up when you see how easy it is to slip into repeating ways of doing things wrong! It always happens when we are intentionally trying to get different results - witness the reelection of Obama.

This has been a typical Obama campaign, again, of offering nothing more or anything better other than aspiring to being reelected. I am saddened, not surprised, that Obama had been running with a partisan, class-based attack campaign. There was no mandate proposed at all for the Republicans to be drawn into any coalition leaving no room for bipartisan cooperation which just left more growing polarization and wider division of the country which is depressed - despondent - dispirited - downcast.

Fiscal Cliff Ahead - A Reality

No Change of Balance of Power

Fiscal Spending Sign Post Ahead - Forecast Bad Weather in Gobbler's Knob - Punxsutawaney, PA - Phil's HometownIf the sequestration, cutting the defense budget, and if the tax cuts expiration, the Bush tax rates, are not addressed then these will lead the economy into a "double-dip" recession. So, get ready for inflated prices, sky-rocketing interest rates and a more depressed jobs market.

Obama called for reaching out to both parties at his acceptance speech. However, many from both sides see this as solely mere campaign rhetoric.

Obama did not have any plans during his first four years and his "lame duck" second term will also be disastrous with no budget plan and an even split of power between the control of the Democrat Senate and Republican House. With less than two months to come up with a budget deal, it's gridlock and it's set to explode on Jan. 2 unless Congress acts quickly to stop it.

What exactly is the crisis? To start with, the act has already cut $45 billion from the defense budget for next year and nearly another half-trillion (yes, with a "t") dollars over the next 10 years.

An outlying strategy brought up by both sides at the start which was not voiced loudlyReporting Punxsutawney Phil's Predictions easier than the U.S. Budget because of their upcoming elections and now afterwards looks even more eminent now. It is a "kick-the-can down the street" strategy passed again because Obama needs another year to haggle a budget out. This predictable outcome will be welcomed by both sides to provide them further political cover while both sides attempt behind the scenes to arrive at a consensus, a typical political ploy which has not worked well under the Obama adminsitration. 

U.N. Agenda 21 Treaty

Obama Wake-Up Call

Most Americans are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom is a United Nations program known as U.N. Agenda 21 about social engineering and communitarianism. Obama will push forward with United Nations Agenda 21 that he and Hillary Clinton has been putting together for the past two years. Shortly, possibly in December 2012, Obama will sign the Agenda 21 World Governance Treaty over United States sovereignty, welcome to One-World Government control.

Obama Redistribution Follies

It's Groundhog Day Again!

FYI; Punxsutawney Phil Sowerby is a groundhog resident of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. On February 2 (Groundhog Day) of each year, the town of Punxsutawney celebrates the beloved groundhog with a festive atmosphere of music and food. During the ceremony, which begins well before the winter sunrise, Phil emerges from his temporary home on Gobbler's Knob, located in a rural area about 2 miles (3.2 km) east of town. According to the tradition, if Phil sees his shadow and returns to his hole, he has predicted six more weeks of winter-like weather. If Phil does not see his shadow, he has predicted an "early spring.


Obama - The "Most Partisan" President?

Ooops!  ...errr, heard that wrong: 

Obama - The "Post-Partum" President!


Barack is already whining and crying on the campaign stump over his crowd's boos for Romney while begging to get "revenge votes" out for him.  Doesn't Barry Soetoro, aka ex-president Barack Hussein Obama, know it's "post-partum" blues?  Barry is just feeling his separation pains and anger early! - May as well start to use his Indonesian surname too because when Barry reentered the United States his social security account had to be set up with Barry Soetoro, his given name, for work, paychecks and for unemployment benefits checks.

Support Abortion


Obama is Pro-Choice in which a 2012 Gallup Poll has reported a U.S. record-low 41% support, rather than Pro-Life which is against abortion.  All voters at this moment should support Obama's Pro-Choice stance this Tuesday. This coming Tuesday, our electorate should abort this President and instead give rebirth to our nation again to deliver back our Constitution, Bill of Rights and personal freedoms denied through Obama's oppressive Obamacare, EPA Regulations and Centralized Socialist Government Agencies.

‘Wasn’t Advertised Properly’:

Fewer Than 200 Reportedly Show Up

for Pro-Obama Rally Featuring Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder wows the crowd of 200 studentsNovember 3, 2012 - Ohio.  Located at Cleveland State University, Brandon Blackwell of The Plain Dealer writes that the event with roughly 200 people in the crowd was primarily to encourage early voting, but that perhaps Obama supporters weren’t given enough warning to clear their schedules for the mini-concert.

Many just followed the music, apparently, and had no idea they were walking into a get-out-the-vote rally. However, apparently the Obama campaign has had high hopes for the impact of the president’s Hollywood backers.  ABC News wrote today that "the president is finishing his campaign with a “star-studded blitz” and “banking on a final burst of star power to boost his get-out-the-vote effort.”

To that end, Wonder reportedly told the hand-full : “I do a song. You go vote. You come back. We do some more music.”


Whistle Blowers Toot The Alarm on Benghazi Raid

A Massive Cover-Up - Watergate Revisited?


Fox News reported that "President Barack Obama met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Sept. 11, 2012 at 5:00 PM—just 55 minutes after the State Department notified the White House and the Pentagon that the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack.

The meeting between Obama, Panetta and Biden had been scheduled before the attack took place, and the Department of Defense is not commenting now on whether the three men were aware when they met that day of the ongoing attack or whether Obama used that meeting to discuss with his defense secretary what should be done to defend the U.S. personnel who at that very moment were fighting for their lives in Benghazi."

Conservatives think they are the only ones that hear about the reprehensible evils behind the Benghazi attack like a “dog whistle”, though barely audible to the public at large. But they’re wrong, which is scarcely surprising since they’re wrong about everything or so says many in the main stream media who remain silent. When do the people, "the folks", finally wake up and see that Obama Administration Foreign Policies treat terrorist acts like a domestic police investigation while not leveling with the American people?

On September 26, White House spokesman, Jay Carney said to ABC News, "That information based on what we Newsweek Magazine July 30, 1973 - Watergate Issueknow — not based on speculation, but based on what we know — acknowledging that we are continuing an investigation that will undoubtedly uncover more facts." 

The only problem is that Carney did not mention they did not start investigating until days afterwards because of the danger to F.B.I. personnel, although the Obama Administration needn't be concerned about any Ambassador's safety. 

The F.B.I. netted only one suspect in custody due to a surveillance video since the crime scene was completely trashed leaving forensic evidence contaminated. Can this defendent or others get a fair criminal trial with no admissable evidence?  Hmnn...

Obama's Bay of Pigs Fiasco - Guantanamo Prisoners Law

Libya featured in newspaper The suspect still has not been interrogated due to Obama signing his Executive Order to close Guantanamo Bay over two years ago. The order directed the base closure and left wide open where any terrorist would be housed and how any new detainees would be questioned or even incarcerated. What an administrative mess. And still, the public doesn't even know about this debacle that Obama, himself, created judicial chaos to nullify any justice in future cases. And Obama is an attorney? Yet, the Obama administration continues its cover-up charade and public spectacle of inactive actions to uncover more facts. The White House narrative of "Osama Bin Laden is dead and al Queda is on their heels" has proven devastating to his reelection campaign.

The mainstream media is silent about the Benghazi attack giving Obama a pass on Benghanzi for now because it will be disastrous for the Obama Campaign.

Deny the Voters Any Information Before the 2012 Presidential Election!

Silence the Whistle Blowers!