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Don Quixote Charm - It's Wearing Thin

Barak & Little Joe galloping on their sturdy steeds throughout the U.S. Economy in ruins.Few of us have ever really stopped and thought about all of the insurmountable types of obstacles that Barack Obama faced in his quest as the President. I have used the word “quest” here since Obama has never, ever stopped in his legendary quest of what he dreamt up as an impossible dream which really is a nightmare for the rest of the American people.  Finally now many people have woken up to the realization of the horrors ahead. Obama recognizing this burgeoning threat to rebuke his programs is feverishly mounting a damage control offensive.

Putting on his armour of charm, Obama has been charging ahead leaning forward in his saddle like Don Quixote riding into battle with his jousting lance pole tilted toward the windmills in people's minds - which go around and come around, in a cycle in a circle, over and over again, with no beginning or ending like a windmill in their minds (paraphrased lyrics). There is no escaping from the constant political attacks on these cycles in circles of thoughts in people's minds that surround the outside of their minds as reality and within their minds as ideas that reflect it. Political hacks and junkies know these truths as self-perceptions - you are or do what you think you are - by internalizing ideas, owning them. They crystallize political agendas to distill them down as simple, piece-meal news releases, sound bites and videos for distribution to various venues like social media, internet, cable, radio, television and print formats like newspapers and magazines. 

So how do they plant perceptions in these fertile minds to grow? A perfect example is Barack Obama, a politician as a terrortician. During the recent sequestration debacle, Obama repeatedly, like a dripping water faucet, terrorized voters to scare them with catastrophic consequences and outcomes if those pesky Republicans allowed budget cuts to occur. Promoting the new Clothes for HRH Emperor Obama 2013Obama had seeded a negative perception which was not true because it did not happen and was grossly overstated. The $85 billion cuts were infinitesimally small, under one half percent off the projected budget spending increases from U.S. real GDP, nothing to do with cutting below actual budget spending itself. 

The charm offensive's biggest weapon is Obama's big "but". He uses it shamelessly to project a perception that he agrees with anything set down before him. Obama often qualifies his previous rhetoric with the word "but", the word eraser that negates everything that he just said before it. He then continues, cleansed of his past sins of omission, and proceeds to tell it like is with no regrets of going forth with deception in his own revisionary message he delivers.

Sweet dreams, Obama will tuck you in tight, turn off the light, close the door and continue on late. So under the cover of darkness of the night, nightmares for his new America emerge in tomorrow's bright light of the new dawn for more rules, regulations, restrictions and taxes. And, oh yes, it's the Republican's fault!


iPhone Doctor - Best Medicare Reduction Idea Yet!

Finally, iPhone Apps developed for everyone to benefit from to live better, healthier lives! - Ask your own Doctor why he does not have it yet! 

Dr. Eric TopalDr. Nancy Snyderman introduces Dr. Eric Topal, Gary and Mary West Endowed Chair of Innovative Medicine; Cardiologist; Geneticist. A distinguished scientist and physician on the forefront of the digital medical technology revolution who led the development of wireless medicine with cell phones, modified iPhones, just approved through the FDA which is a combination diagnostic instrument and instantaneous testing laboratory on your belt clip.

It is the brand new horizon for the wide world of medical treatments in the digital revolution with cost savings way beyond the vision of federal sequestrations and oversights. It is only $199.00 for the iPhone App!

This is living proof again that the classic U.S.A. free market innovation and invention in the minds of the American people proves fruitful as the leading edge of technology while the rest of the world is just waking up to only be dreaming about it, pirating it or just stealing it in the true Chinese totalitarian way. 

Time 8:51

Dr. Eric Topol sees the future of health care, and he likes what he sees. Dr. Topal says there are still more apps coming on line with some breakthroughs that are under study and test programs awaiting FDA approvals.

Why isn't President Obama hawking these revolutionary breakthroughs to attack Medicare costs and abuse in over testing and related charges? Contact and ask your representatives and personal doctors about the iPhone Medical Apps today!


Dr. Topol's new book is titled The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How The Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care. What if your cell phone could detect cancer cells circulating in your blood or warn you of an imminent heart attack? Mobile wireless digital devices, including smart phones and tablets with seemingly limitless functionality, have brought about radical changes in our lives, providing hyper-connectivity to social networks and cloud computing. The digital world has hardly pierced the medical cocoon yet.



An Offer: Student Loans Redux

In February, 2013 Transamerica Credit bureau reported the dire statistics in cold red ink. The Federal student-loan delinquencies rose 27% from 2007 to 2012. And I say this tongue-in-cheek, what a surprise that Private student-loan delinquencies dropped 2%?  Why? 

Well, it's for the same exact reason that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sustained mortgage delinquencies and suffered home loan failures, giving away money to unqualified borrowers under very liberal Federal lending guidelines to spread the "dream of home ownership to all citizens regardless of credit worthiness". 

Obama blessing college onto the masses.Is now the "dream of a college degree to all students regardless of academic worthiness" on everyone's mind too?  If so, get ready for a bigger economic downturn. The student-loan repayments are  headed for major defaults. So now, the Degree on diplomas will be called a Duh-gree.  

Recent laws now allow the Federal Direct Loan Program borrowers to sign up for student-loans they can't pay back, it doesn't ask them to and they can also delay or avoid payments entirely. So what can these loan delinquencies possibly cost taxpayers every year? The independent Congressional Budget Office, CBO, released annual budget outlook stating, "The student-loan delinquency cost is $104 billion more than the projected budget in 2013 and trends continue over the next ten years."

Looking beyond this dire forecast there is a silver lining in the clouds. According to Vince Sampson, President, Education Finance Council, Washington DC, "The private sector and capital markets stand ready for a new public-private student-loan program that takes the risk off the backs of taxpayers, the unsustainable and growing debt from the federal government's balance sheet and create safer and more affordable loans for students."

The #1 underlying truth in the United States that no one mentions? - Some people are Not now, Not in the future, Not ever going to college. Is that bad? - Witness drop outs like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and the list goes on throughout our history in all different times. The point is that college has become overly politicized and handed up as the Holy Grail, a highly sought after goal that all people must have to be whole just like being a homeowner. Oh Really?

It's time to offer other courses to educate and train people: How to manage businesses or to be factory workers, field technicians and skilled personnel in trades and professional fields. Stop the college nonsense and get the middle class going forward into their real future. Concurrently we need to accelerate results and reduce costs by restricting Federal intervention into school programs on all levels, offer school vouchers, mandate teacher evaluations for performance and restrain teacher unions' powerful hold on local public school administrations and policies.  Let's fill classroom seats with students learning practical skills to earn a living instead of crowding jail cells full with prisoners.


“Fiscal Cliff” in the Obama Perspective

“Fiscal Cliff”  in Perspective




Lesson # 1:





Here are the Actual National Budget Office figures as they stand today:

  • U.S. Tax revenue:       $2,170,000,000,000
  • Fed budget:               $3,820,000,000,000
  • New debt:                  $1,650,000,000,000
  • National debt:           $14,271,000,000,000
  • Recent budget cuts:        $38,500,000,000

Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

                                                                                                % of Base

  • Annual family Base Income:                  $21,700.00          100.00%
  • Money the family spent:                          $38,200.00          176.00%+
  • New debt on the credit card:                    $16,500.00           76.00%+
  • Outstanding balance on the credit card:   $142,710.00          673.00%+
  • Total budget cuts so far:                                   $38.50             .0017%-

Got It ??..... OK Now,  


Lesson # 2:

Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:

Let's say, You come home from work and find
there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood ...
and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceiling.

What do you think you should do ...
Raise the ceiling or remove the sh*t?

OR, do we just shoot ourselves in the foot again?...


DUH... Stupid is as stupid does!


Sandy Hook Shooting & U.N. Agenda 21

Oh my God! ...another Columbine High School event, etc., etc., etc.  So lock down the schools, hire armed security guards, put up razor wires on the fence tops, patrol the grounds, confiscate all fire arms and install metal detectors too!

Paranoia strikes suddenly and deep which paralyzes people's Student metal detectorsthoughts, actions and solutions to overcome the root causes. After the chaos settles, the first step should be to determine who did this heinous crime. The shooter was a sociopath, one who does not understand his actions or place the ultimate blame or guilt for his own actions. Why he did this is simple, he does not know and cannot reduce to reason any of his actions to sane logic or behavior. 

Can we stop these crimes with tighter gun controls? Don't forget though, O.J. killed Nicole and Ron with a knife and drunks kill with a car. What can anyone do to stop this violence against others? In most cases, in a word, nothing. Ironically, at Columbine a teacher ran to his car glove box, grabbed his handgun, returned to the baseball field and pinned down the shooters before police arrived preventing more deaths.  That was never mentioned in the press. Otherwise however, it will still happen ad infinitum as the Bible itself will attest to many past historical atrocities centuries ago. 

In this particular case, as in other recent killings, the perpetrator gets away by killing himself. He leaves behind no explanations, just prima facia crime scene evidence and attributed hearsay by those who knew him.  It still does not get into his own unique mind for finding answers and better yet on what could have been done to prevent the atrocity.  So what should be done?

It's not about Metal Detectors at schools, it's about Mental Detectors!

As a part of comprehensive annual student health evaluations, a more proactive ongoing comprehensive program may reveal red flags on student behavior and attitudes. This could include periodic standard mental acuity tests, teacher evaluation reports as deemed necessary, parental input as requested, any student records about conduct discipline and possible treatment recommendations.  Current HIPPA Laws concerning student privacy should be followed, but now allowing for parental notification regarding high at-risk profiles which require immediate attention or treatment.

Student wanded at entryThis program would be less costly to administer due to targeting a segment of the student population for follow-up and treatment as necessary. The balance of the studentbody would experience minimal disrruption in their campus activities while avoiding to stigmatize all students under a constant threat of violence.   

This program is now in place in many schools, but like so many public funded schools it is not followed.  Like the school voucher system, it is a great idea if fully implemented for all school students. Where is all the tax money being spent?

All of these shootings fit into the Obama scenario and narrative about gun violence with gun registration and confiscation on his agenda. So, watch out soon for Obama running an end game around our government regulations to sign into law by executive order the United Nations control of our guns in the sovereign land of the United States of America.