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Re-Election Odds Favors Obama

A Statistical Fact:  The odds are that if a President decides to run for re-election he is going to be re-elected absent some kind of extraordinary circumstances. 

In the past ten elections in 200 plus years, 19th and 20th Centuries, an incumbent President was unseated, this stands in contrast to sixteen occasions (not counting Washington in 1792) in which an incumbent was reelected. This means that, since Jefferson’s re-election in 1804, an incumbent has been re-elected 61% of the time they have stood for re-election (if you throw in Washington’s re-election, the odds increase to 62.96%).

The Million Dollars Question is: How should a challenger and their party task the appGeorge Romney must grow some big cojones!roach of beating an incumbent? By the way, the last Republican to defeat a sitting president was Ronald Reagan. He was the only Republican to do so in the 20th century. 

So, can history repeat itself? Forget the daily electioneering polls and win the poll that ultimately matters, the vote on election day.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger described tax-cutting opponents of Republicanism as a bunch of limp-wristed “girlie men”. Will Romney grow some cojones and take the fight to Barack Obama like Reagan took the fight to Carter?

Time to take off the "Mittens" and put on the "Brass Knuckles"!


The Obama Black Swan

"Rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno"

The term black swan derives from a Latin expression—its oldest known reference comes from the 16th Century English poet Juvenal's characterization of something being "rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno". In English "a rare bird in the lands, very much like a black swan".

When the phrase was coined, the black swan was presumed not to exist in the Old World, only white swans. Then, a Dutch explorer discovered black swans in Western Australia in 1697. The importance of the simile lies in its analogy to the fragility of any system of thought. A set of conclusions is potentially undone once any of its fundamental postulates is disproved. 

The Black Swan

What we call here a Black Swan Event contains the following three attributes: First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Second, it carries an extreme impact. Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable. Black Swan logic makes what you don't know far more relevant than what you do know. Consider that many Black Swans can be caused and exacerbated by their being unexpected.

Obama's Favorite Tool - Black Swan Events

This metaphor can explain almost all major scientific discoveries, historical events, and artistic accomplishments as "black swans"—undirected and unpredicted. So, it gives the rise of the Internet, the personal computer, World War I, and the September 11 attacks as examples of black swan events.

During the banking, automobile industry, housing crises and their subsequent bail-outs, how many times did you hear Obama cry out, "It's too big too fail!"?  While it's all after the fact, Obama explains why they happened and how to avoid them in the future.

Obama serving up at Thanksgiving.Obama's biggest tool is the Third attribute to concoct explanations for these Black Swan crises to then bypass Congress with executive orders, his foot in the door, the nose under the tent or the way to sneak through the back door to invade, take over and own all the situations in our lives. You see, it is his reason for showing up. Obama is with the Federal Government and he is here to help you whether you asked for it or not.

Guess who is coming to dinner? ...and he invited some of his friends to serve up a head on a platter for you.


Will the Obama Congress Come to Order?

 December 2, 1912

“Congress Will Come To Order!”
by Clifford K. Berryman
Washington Evening Star, December 2, 1912
From the US Senate Collection, Center for Legislative Archives

The ultimate prize of a congressional election is control over the two houses of Congress: the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. This cartoon shows Congress following the pivotal 1912 elections when the Ultra-Liberal Progressives under Woodrow Wilson as Democrats swept into power and captured majority control of the gavels in both houses to come under their order.  History later proved it was the wrong outcome which led the United States on into a subsequent recession and depression era lasting on into 1945 with Franklin D. Roosevelt's liberal New Deal Progressive Programs.

A Double Entendre

One hundred years later the 1912 editorial cartoon shows how Obama sees the gavels coming down to pass Obamacare while declaring his victory boldly, "Congress will come to order!"

However. the United States Supreme Court will overrule Obamacare because the government is overreaching with a mandate forcing all Americans to buy health insurance under the guise of the Commerce Clause which allows the government to regulate commercial activity among the states.  Obamacare is therefore held unconstitutional which will subsequently unfund it and overturn the entire single-payer Obamacare Act, "Congress will come to order!"


Why is the Year "2016" about Past History? 

"2016" is all about Obama's past life growing up with the people and lifestyles that fostered his beliefs, ideals and goals to couple them with where Obama is going to take our country into the future.

"Dinesh D’Sousa will release his movie “2016″, which demonstrates life in America under a second Obama presidency.  If we think that the ObamaObama speaks from his Fantasyland Castle. administration has been destructive, wait until he has no further worries about running for another term. Obama’s game plan can be taken directly from one of the books he "allegedly wrote", “Dreams From My Father.” Many say and on occasion Bill Ayers himself has said that he was the ghost writer of the book. Ayers is an avowed radical activist and a leader of the 1960s Weather Underground Bomb Terrorists Group who mentored young Obama in Chicago as he entered into political life as a community organizer and then to state senator.

"As will be pointed out in the video below, the words “From My Father” instead of using “Of My Father,” unlocks the thought process for this very complex individual. His father was an anti-colonialist and a Marxist. Obama certainly seems to be following “his fathers dreams.”

The film "2016" tease will showcase first and at the 2.00 mark Dinesh D’Sousa speaks. Listen to his interesting observations and ideas - make up your own minds.

Time: 14:10

A former policy analyst in the Reagan White House,  D’Souza also served as John M. Olin Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Robert and Karen Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College in 1983."

Barack Hussein Obama Hollywood Productions - 2012 Releases

Summer:  Short Film (17 Min) - “The Road We've Traveled”

Obama's re-election campaign team has gone Hollywood. Directed by Academy Award winner Davis Guggenheim, who directed Al Gore's movie epic flop "An Inconvenient Truth", which turned out to be as far from the truth about global warming as it could be and with a little assistance from film star Tom Hanks in his character Woody in "A Toy Story", narrates an Obama Fantasy of what he has done for the past fours years, a pure disaster video movie. 

Fall:  Full Length Documentary -  "Zero Dark Thirty"

Katherine Bigalow, is the Oscar-winning director of "The Hurt Locker" who is running this action-filled production. It shows how Navy's SEAL Team 6's hunt for, and killing of, Osama Bin Laden was ordered by Obama, the Commander & Chief, to kill Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. The film will be a purely fictional depiction based upon distorted facts, campaign rhetoric and demagoguery rather than a true factual documentary - Rated VB - viewer beware.


Reality Duels - Fighting for Your Ideals

Yesterday's Realities

Hamilton-Burr Duel - July 18, 1804The idea has crossed many voters' minds this election year that one has to be a little insane to run for high public office in the first place. So, during the debates when the spurious allegations lead to defecation (defamation) of character by the mud (poop) slinging, hopefully no political contestants will follow the Burr–Hamilton duel of 1804 - 208 years ago.

The Burr–Hamilton duel was a duel between two prominent American politicians, the former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and sitting Vice President Aaron Burr, on July 11, 1804. At Weehawken in New Jersey, Burr shot and fatally wounded Hamilton. Hamilton was carried to the home of William Bayard on the Manhattan shore, where he died at 2:00 p.m. the next day.

"Some cried out, "Murderer!", but there is, however, much evidence in Burr's defense. Had Hamilton apologized for his "more despicable opinion of Mr. Burr", all would have been forgotten. However, neither principal could avoid the confrontation honorably and thus each was forced into a duel: Burr to regain his honor and Hamilton to sustain his."

Today's Realities

Although Simon Cowell is known as a very cruel judge with debasing remarks, poor manners and boorish attitude, he certainly is predictable too.  So therefore, anyone going on his show should expect Simon's horrendous put-downs solely as pure theatrics for their way over-the-top showmanship value. It's why viewers watch the show and why advertisers pay big bucks for ad spots.

The "Britain's Got Talent" show contestant got it all wrong.  In his mind reality TV became a real world, so he was dishonored by Simon Cowell's comments. He had to avenge the despicable opinion of Simon Cowell, so he formed a firing squad into a circle with himself in the middle and fired.  And so, he proved that he had no talent or a lick of common sense either!  No wonder he lost.

 Running Time: 0.28 sec.

 A Correlation - Yesterday & Today Realities

As in 1804 and 2012, perceptions of events create a reality in minds of what actually was happening at the time. Towards the end of his life, in retrospect, Burr even remarked: "Had I read Sterne more and read Voltaire less, I should have known the world was wide enough for Hamilton and me." His tragic, true, belated remorse could not change the course of that eventful day.  Hamlet said it best, "There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so." 

It is power to the people verses power over the people,

which is power for all the people.


FYI: Sterne (1713–1768) was a powerful English Anglican clergyman, but a mean-tempered man and a rabid politician involved in parliamentary government. Voltaire (1694–1778) was an argumentative French liberal philosopher, reform-minded monarchist for top down rule over the uneducated, unruly masses, incapable of self-control and a skeptic of allowing republican constitutional governing rules and democratic principles supporting social equality.