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Looking For a Needle in a Haystack

WANTED: An Old Sew & Sew that can needle people into stitching back together our our tattered republic by mending party fences, altering and taking in bloated government excesses, and patching up our relationships with our allies.

Seamstresses need not apply, we don't need minor alterations, hems trimmed or inseams and waists taken in slightly.  We are looking for a full service tailor that can take the basic fabric from our U.S. Constitutional laws to design, shape, and cut out a Congressional pattern for our U.S. Federal Government to fit its wide seat into, so they either wear that size pants or lose some to fit - that's why budgets are enacted. 

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: 01/21/2009 to 02/01/2013 - No Record of Accomplishments during her term in office.As of 2013, our nation is still without any likely viable candidates as yet for the Republican party ticket. Unfortunately the Democrat party, at this early juncture, has their front-runner, Hillary Clinton. Hillary's political machine has reved up already and has shot out of the starting blocks already racing to begin raising the $2 Billion it will take to run in the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign.  

So, Republicans currently have these three steeds in the stables: Sen. Marco Rubio, Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Paul Ryan. "Rubio’s avid support did not help Mitt Romney, who lost Florida and received very few Hispanic votes. What else could possibly go wrong? Christie’s chummy way over-the-top bromance with President Obama just days before the election and after Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey will be a blemish on his record, and candidacy for the foreseeable future. Moreover, Christie has a Herculean task in front of him as he repairs the hurricane damage in his state. Ryan was Romney’s co-loser, albeit as a vice presidential candidate. The congressman can build his status in the coming days, weeks, and months leading up to the fiscal cliff and beyond if he performs well and makes a significant impact on the negotiations. Presumably, Ryan will be the GOP mouthpiece and principal respondent to Obama’s fiscal proposals."

I would like now to bring one other horse dark horse into the stable too. "Here, after decisive presidential defeats in 2008 and 2012, there is another Bush to consider as party insiders buzz about the possibility of a Jeb Bush candidacy. But the question, in South Carolina and elsewhere, is whether the enormous legacy advantage that George W. Bush enjoyed will still be there."

Personally, I think that being out of office for nearly eight years as this election cycle starts puts the Bush Dynasty into the past by a generational gap.  Furthermore,  another McCain-Romney moderate RINO candidate like Jeb Bush will not stimulate enough Republicans or Independents to get out of their recliners to vote either.  Youthful voters with many new social media connections will be the wave of the future electorate to connect.  So, the real question is whether the Republicans have awakened from their deep sleep yet to quickly see that this "change is acoming".

A generational "food fight" of a dilemma could develop which actually might invigorate the Republican Party's race. Do you recall the 2008 Democrat President Primary Race? "With Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the Democrats had a backward vs. forward fight in 2008. After an epic struggle, they chose forward. Another Bush run for president could set off a similarly desperate fight inside the Republican Party."  Now, that could bring the cream to the top out of the Republican Party political abyss.  It would certainly give those candidates a test run around the track before going out on the road -  all it takes is a little money to start their engines for the preliminaries before they enter the big race where the real money kicks it into gear! 

The single most enormous obstacle is simply time, a lot of time and more of it for the Republican Party to raise $2 Billion in donations, and the sooner the better.  The upcoming 2016 U.S. Presidential race is said to be going down as the most expensive run for any office in U.S. History - and that fact for both sides is one they can bank on.


Obama's Own Drug Plan

With prescription drugs tougher to get, addicts are increasingly turning to heroin. Here, a 22-year-old heroin user shoots up at a park in Seattle, WA.In 2013, Heroin use in the U.S. is soaring, especially in rural areas, amid ample supply and a shift away from costlier prescription narcotics that are becoming tougher to acquire.

The heroin scourge has been driven largely by a law-enforcement crackdown on illicit use of prescription pain-killers such as oxycodone and drug-company reformulations that make the pills harder to crush and snort, drug officials say. That has pushed those who were addicted to the pills to turn to heroin; aka smack, tar, horse, which is cheaper and more plentiful.

One user said, "You can shoot cocaine and snort heroin. You can also smoke both, but they have to be altered to be smokable. Heroin is a downer, and an opiate. Cocaine is a very powerful stimulant and will make you feel like you are "Living life in the fast lane." Heroin is more of a chill inducing high, its very euphoric and is overall more enjoyable. However, your first few times doing coke can be a very powerful experience. The energy and confidence it gives you is fucking [sic] great." 

Does it bother you that the most powerful man on the planet was a longtime drug user for 12 years? - From his high school years, 13 years old, through college, 25 years old as Obama documented in his book Dreams of My Father

Consider the egotistical arrogance of Obama's self-justification to use drugs, which further mainstreams peer level acceptance to young users, within his book Dreams of My Father passage:

"I had learned not to care. ... Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it.  Not smack, though[.] ... Junkie.  Pothead.  That's where I'd be headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn't been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. I got just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory." -- Book: Dreams of My Father - B. Obama

Stripped of his fancy self-indulgent euphemisms, what has Obama really said?  In boring translation: I started "snorting coke", or "blow", and "toking joints", smoking Marijuana, because I wanted to fit in, but I continued to use them because I got hooked on the sensation of losing contact with reality. How then is Obama different from any other "junkie" or "pothead"?

So, what a load of horseshit! Obama grappled as to glorify, even immortalize his cool drug abuse habit, to excuse that in the beginning it was about seeking peer approval on "what a down brother", "just like the others", he was in order to fit in with friends.  Obama admitted he and his friends at the very exclusive, private expensive Punahou School in Hawaii called themselves the “Choom Gang” — choom in Hawaiian means smoking weed and drove around in a Volkswagen bus called the “Choomwagon” and spent some time together smoking marijuana, doing some blow. (I guess Obama didn't go to public school either.)

I don't know about you readers, but when I was a high student, it in the infamous 1960s during the Hippies, drugs and "Summer of Love" decade. I never used cocaine, even "when I could afford it" and did not hang out with any hard drug users considering them losers.  I tried marijuana, I did inhale, but I coughed too much preferring cigarettes and beer instead. This is not holier-than-thou preaching. In high school, I had a few friends who smoked marijuana and hashish who could afford it and very regularly.  I didn't disown them for it, but I also never chose to join them in it. One doesn't have to I discovered, not even if you "find yourself" through a drug induced mental haze to become President.

Obama further elevated drugs up to his own higher nobler cause, his Cocaine and Marijuana use also became part of his own "drugs of choice therapy" to overcome a personal identity struggle -- about pushing "questions of who he was" out of his mind, about flattening his bumpy heart, about blurring "the edges of his memory." -- it sounds more like a Presidential endorsement of "how to find one's own drug therapy" or "a druggie's mantra on how to attain nirvana" - read below a clinical review of "short-term effects" of cocaine.

"Cocaine causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the opposite—intense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug. People who use it often don’t eat or sleep properly. They can experience greatly increased heart rate, muscle spasms and convulsions. The drug can make people feel paranoid, angry, hostile and anxious—even when they aren’t high." -- "As cocaine interferes with the way the brain processes chemicals, one needs more and more of the drug just to feel “normal.” --

I just have to ask why Barack Obama felt it was wise, even instructive to publicly repeat all of these drug use details to young impressionable minds in his book - sadly, the irretrievable damage has been done. It's ironic that Obama has made quite clear that it's off limits about his birth certificate records, college files as a foreign or non-resident student status and college scholastic records. So then, anyone should only hear Obama say two words, "No comment", as the only answer about his drug use too - What have Obama and the DEA done recently to stem Mexican border drug smuggling?  - Running any more guns lately to the cartels? 


Obama Watershed Scandals - Deceptions & Lies 

The Master & The Apprentice - Bold Face Liars!

OH What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice to Deceive!

Deception is false reality that's imposed on a true reality. As both a fragile and complex interweaving of either truths, half-truths, lies, and lies of omission, one must be skilled in the fine art of deception to successfully deceive.

Many politicians have worked hard to reach this pinnacle, that zenith, to fall far during their storied careers - Presidents Nixon, Clinton, now Obama has joined that elusive "Presidential Liars Club". What a tribute into perpetuity to "Chicago-Style Politics" from Illinois right into the White House itself! - More Watergate Watershed Scandals?

Chicago was given the unfortunate title of "most corrupt" city in America in 2012 by a study of the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Illinois' Institute of Government and Public Affairs. University of Illinois at Chicago professor Dick Simpson, who worked on the study, told CBS Chicago that corruption among public officials has cost the city $500 million. The report cites federal data showing that, between 1976 and 2010, there were 1,531 convictions for public corruption in "the federal district dominated by Chicago," according to the Associated Press.

This becomes the tangled web we weave, especially when first we practice to deceive in "Illinois Politics - a long held tradition for generations".

Governors Convicted & Went To Prison:

  • Rod Blagojevich — Governor from 2003 through 2009,
  • George Ryan — Governor from 1999 through 2003.
  • Dan Walker — Governor from 1973-1977.
  • Otto Kerner — Governor from 1961-1968.
  • William G. Stratton — Governor from 1953-1961.
  • Lennington Small — Governor from 1921-1929.
  • Joel Matteson — Governor from 1853-1857.

Politicians Convicted & Went To Prison: 

  • U.S. Rep. Dan Rostenkowski — Pleaded guilty to corruption charges and left office in 1995
  • U.S. Rep. Mel Reynolds — Convicted of misconduct with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer and resigned in 1995.
  • Secretary of State Paul Powell — Roughly $800,000 was found stuffed in shoe boxes Powell's home after he died in 1970.
  • Auditor Orville Hodge — Pleaded guilty in the 1950s to embezzling more than $1.5 million from the state while in office. He used the money to buy two planes, four automobiles and homes in Illinois and Florida.
  • Attorney General William Scott — Convicted of tax fraud and spent a year in prison in the 1980s. Was Illinois attorney general from 1969-80.

Obama - "Lucy, You Got Some Splainin' To Do!"

In doing some research recently on the latest Washington, DC scandals in the Obama White House, this news article, dated October 2012, appeared in the mix.  I have to admit that I have heard mumblings in the background of the political din over the past seven years, something akin to like the Hollywood whispers about Sal Mineo, Tab Hunter, Rock Hudson, Richard Chamberlain, Johnny Mathis and Liberace ~ discreet, not mentioned, but a constant prolonged undertoned drone. I reproduced the article unchanged, leaving in the hyperlink references, read it and you be the judge...  

The press has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last generation. A field once dominated by the Washington Post, the New York Times and the “big three” broadcast networks today offers a multitude of choices – thanks largely to groundbreaking communications technologies like the Internet. Thus, today many of the hottest stories you hear on cable TV news or talk radio or even the Old Media establishment originate not in corporate mega-newsrooms, but in the revolutionary online world of the “New Media,” where WND has long been the leader.

In journalism, they’re called “Hey Martha” stories, news items so amazing that when you hear them, you just want to shout across the room: “Hey Martha, listen to this!” Here is a recent example, culled from countless “WND Scoops” – stories first reported by




Trinity Church members reveal Obama shocker!

'Matchmaker' Rev. Jeremiah Wright 'provided cover for gays'

Published: 10/02/2012 at 8:12 PM

 Jerome R. Corsi | Email  Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is the forthcoming "What Went Wrong?: The Inside Story of the GOP Debacle of 2012 … And How It Can Be Avoided Next Time."

After nearly four years in office, many Americans still express frustration that much about Barack Obama remains a mystery as establishment media remain incurious about the Democratic president, while seemingly ready to dispatch crack investigative teams at a moment’s notice to probe into the personal lives of Republican figures such as Sarah Palin. Largely ignored in 2008 was research by the Hillary Clinton campaign based on contacts developed with members of the church Obama attended for two decades, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. This is the first of a series of articles WND has developed from months of in-person interviews with church members who have known Barack and Michelle Obama over many years. The sources requested that their identities not be published because they believe their disclosures would put their security at risk.

NEW YORK – Ten years ago, the New York Times reported on a growing underground subculture in the black community known as "Down Low", comprised largely of men who secretly engage in homosexual activity while living “straight” lives in public.

It’s within that subtext that opposition researchers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign began investigating rumors that Rev. Jeremiah Wright was running a “matchmaking service” for members of his Trinity United Church of Christ known as the Down Low Club, which included Barack Obama.

Over the past several months, WND investigators have interviewed a number of members of the church who claim the president benefited from Wright’s efforts to help black men who engage in homosexual activity appear respectable in black society by finding them a wife.

The 2003 New York Times story, “Double Lives on the Down Low,” said that though many black men reject “a gay culture they perceive as white and effeminate,” they “have settled on a new identity, with its own vocabulary and customs and its own name: Down Low.”

The Times said that while “there are black men who are openly gay, it seems that the majority of those having sex with men still lead secret lives, products of a black culture that deems masculinity and fatherhood as a black man’s primary responsibility – and homosexuality as a white man’s perversion.”

The Down Low Club at Trinity “doesn’t have meetings, and it isn’t like the Rotary Club,” a source identified for this article as “Carolyn” explained to a WND investigator in Chicago.

“It was more that Wright served as a matchmaker,” said Carolyn, a 20-year member of Trinity who has played a role in church administration and knows the Obamas personally.

“He kept his eye on the young guys coming up in Trinity,” she said, “and if he spotted someone that acted or looked gay, then Wright would give them kind of a guidance counselor-type direction on how to keep down low – how to do the things they wanted to do, but then also getting married and looking ‘respectable’ – being part of black society.”

To Trinity insiders, the Down Low Club was simply known as “the program.”

“That’s the terminology. At Trinity, you’re urged to ‘get with the program,’” explained a male beneficiary of the Down Low Club. “What that means is it’s OK to go ahead and have sex with men, just as long as you ‘get with the program’ and marry a woman, somebody no straight guy would want to marry.”

The wife, the Down Low Club member explained, is “your ‘beard,’ your cover – so you can look like you’re living a straight life, even though you’re not.”

The male source was a “computer consultant” who claims not to know “scratch” about computers. But “getting with the program” at Trinity meant he could keep living a “gay” life and receive lots of computer consulting work thrown his way by Trinity, as long as he was willing to marry an unattractive woman who otherwise might have ended up a lonely spinster with no means to provide for living.

Carolyn explained that for many black families, attending Trinity was a way out of poverty.

“Trinity was a chance to network,” she said. “The stuff preached was hateful, but about 70 percent of those who go there ignore the radical rhetoric and just trying to get ahead.”

Carolyn said Trinity “helped a lot of blacks get successful and connected.”

“That’s what Wright did for Obama,” she claimed. “He connected Obama in the community, and he helped Obama hide his homosexuality.”

Openly homosexual author and commentator Keith Boykin, a former White House adviser to President Bill Clinton, mentions Obama’s former pastor, Wright, on pages 264-265 of his 2005 book “Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies, and Denial in Black America.” While Boykin doesn’t refer to the Down Low Club by name, he regards Wright as among a small group of ministers who are “coming to grips with sexuality and opening up a dialogue with heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals in the pews.”

Chicago-based author, businessman, speaker and HIV/AIDS activist J.L. King wrote a controversial book in 2005 called “On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men who Sleep with Men.”

He was a guest on Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago-based TV show in 2004, which described him this way: “J.L. King had a life most would envy. He married his high school sweetheart, had two healthy children and was on the fast track to success. But, unbeknownst to his family and friends, he had a dark secret—he was living on the down low.”

Remember the choir director

Carolyn and the other members of Trinity who provided statements corroborating her testimony were insistent that WND conceal their identities as a condition of being interviewed.

“I’m still scared to discuss any of this,” Carolyn said.

“At Trinity, if you even hint at talking about Obama being gay, you are reminded of our dear departed choir director,” she said. “He was killed, and it wasn’t a robbery. The Christmas presents weren’t touched. The TV was not taken, nothing in the apartment was missing.”

Carolyn’s reference was to Donald Young, the 47-year-old homosexual choirmaster at Trinity who died of multiple gunshot wounds in his Chicago apartment Dec. 24, 2007.

Young’s murder was preceded Nov. 17, 2007, with the execution-style murder of 25-year-old Larry Bland, another black gay member of Trinity United. He also was murdered in his home, dying of multiple gunshot wounds, according to his death certificate.

Just two days after the murder of Young, a third openly “gay” member of Wright’s church, Nate Spencer, reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia and AIDS.

Sensational charges

As WND reported last month, a prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

In April, WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”

WND also reported former radical activist John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.

In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,” Reggie Love, who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss. Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.

WND also has documented in two separate articles, here and here, that Obama wore a gold band on his wedding ring finger from the time he attended Occidental College through his student days at Harvard Law School.

Shocking phone call

Sinclair gave an affidavit to the Chicago Police Department regarding contacts he says he had with Young just prior to Young’s murder.

According to Sinclair’s affidavit, published in its entirety beginning on page 56 of his book, he contacted Obama’s presidential campaign in September 2007. Sinclair says he requested that Obama correct claims he made about when he stopped abusing drugs to reflect use of crack cocaine during their sex encounters in November 1999.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama had stated famously he stopped using marijuana and cocaine in college, implying his drug abuse ended when he had completed his first two years of college at Occidental in Los Angeles.

Sinclair explained that when he made contact with the Obama campaign in September 2007, he provided callback numbers, in case the campaign wanted to get in touch with him.

Then, in late September or early October 2007, as Sinclair stated in his affidavit, he received a call from a male identifying himself as “Mr. Young,” who stated he was responding to calls Sinclair had made to the Obama campaign.

“This first call shocked me in that this ‘Mr. Young’ asked me why I had not asked Senator Obama to disclose sexual encounters I had with Mr. Obama in 1999,” Sinclair’s affidavit reads. “I was shocked as I had never mentioned to the campaign or anyone working for the campaign any sexual encounters. The call ended with Mr. Young stating I would hear from someone in a few days.”

Sinclair claims it was in a second call from “Mr. Young” that he began to suspect the man had been sexually intimate with Obama. Sinclair said he drew that conclusion “by the tone of the conversation” and by its “sexual nature.”

In late October 2007, Sinclair received a text message from “Mr. Young” stating Young “was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999.”

The text message also indicated Obama wanted to make sure Sinclair had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug use with any media at that time.

In November 2007, Sinclair received a second text message from “Mr. Young,” advising him that Obama would publicly correct his statement as to the last time he used drugs and that Sinclair did not need to concern himself with publicly disclosing it.

Then, in early December 2007, Sinclair received his last contact with “Mr. Young,” with Young making it clear Obama had no intention of acknowledging publicly his use of crack cocaine in 1999.

After Young was murdered, Sinclair had several contacts with Young’s family.

“In several telephone conversations with his sisters, brothers, nieces and others, I was reassured that the family of Donald Young believed he was murdered to protect Barack Obama,” Sinclair wrote. “It also became clear, right from the start that members of the Young family were truly fearful of speaking out publicly, to this day, they fear for their own personal, physical safety.”

On July 17, 2010, the supermarket tabloid The Globe published an interview with Norma Jean Young, the 76-year-old mother of the slain choirmaster, in which she expressed fear that her son was murdered to protect Obama.

“What was the cause of my son’s death?” Norma Jean Young asked in the Globe interview. “I’m very suspicious that it may have been related to Obama. Donald and Obama were very close friends. Whatever went on with this is very private. I am suspicious of a cover-up!”

She insisted there is “more to the story,” calling on Chicago police to ramp up their investigation.

“I do believe they are shielding somebody or protecting somebody,” she told The Globe.

Asked who would benefit from a cover-up, Norma Jean Young said, “It could be anyone, including Obama.”

Shortly after the Globe interview was published, Norma Jean Young left Chicago and lived for a while in Peoria, Ill. Her current residence is unknown.

The murders of Donald Young and Larry Bland remain today open cases of unsolved homicide.

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Zimmerman Acquitted - Now Fabrications & Lies

All Things Political

After Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton had shown up on the scene, it was to be expected after the Trayvon Martin trial the race card would be pulled out and charged. It always stirs up the black community into a feeding frenzy.

During the trial there were many bogus facts, stories and pictures flying around the Internet too. One picture that has had plenty of play is displayed here. It is cited as the "picture that FOX News has not shown" on its telecasts with the copy saying, "THEY continue showing the old five year photos of Trayvon to cement in your mind the little child rather than this MONSTER..."  

It was laughable on two counts: One - FOX News, an often maligned conservative show, was now in a suspicious conspiracy; and Two - Jayceon Terrell Taylor, stage name "Game", who was erroneously displayed with his tattoos as Trayvon Martin, when Trayvon had only two tattoos, one on the wrist and elbow. This picture goes with the pattern of racism by stirring up the white community. 

Another perspective on why the erroneous Trayvon Martin picture of  Jayceon Terrell Taylor, "Game", was sent around as a misinformation campaign. It purposely was to be discovered in order to discredit FOX News as a credible news source and show how rabid NRA members and bigoted whites are wrongfully stirring up their hatred against blacks.

All Things Personal go Political

We all bring our personal experiences into our decisions. Eric Holder recalled his at a NAACP Meeting in Washington, DC on the day following the trial.  As a young man on a date, Eric alleged that he was racially profiled when stopped on the New Jersey parkwayHolder's actions show this kind of strategy. and searched. He vehemently resented it, then twisted his experience into a "George Zimmerman profiling tirade" that spiralled upwards to a call for a "stand up" to the "Stand Your Ground" law since it has unintended consequences leading to death creating an open season on more blacks being shot. (It's a high possibility since the FBI states 91% of all black homicides and 50% of all homicides are killed by blacks.)  Eric race-baited the speech.

FYI: People are ignorant about "Stand Your Ground" laws. They are not new, called "self-defense" laws guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment of our U.S. Constitution and date back to English Common Law. The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628 states the "Castle Doctrine" as one can use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend against an intruder -- free from legal responsibility/prosecution for the consequences of the force used.