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Entries by D.K. Dickey (255)


Holy Bible - The Truth Really Hurts

Church Hires JK Rowling To Rewrite The Bible

It is hoped the author, most famous for her Harry Potter series, can make it more accessible and believable for a new generation of Catholics and Christians.

While the specifics of the rewrite are not yet known, it is believed Rowling is tasked with producing a compelling tale that young Catholics and Christians can engage with. Figures such as dementors and other popular creations may take the place of less realistic Biblical creatures such as unicorns and the leviathon.

“We are very happy Miss Rowling has agreed to the rewrite, we keenly await the first draft,” a Vatican insider told WWN.

Rowling’s selection has raised some eyebrows but the decision by Pope Francis to select the wildly popular author is mainly due to commercial concerns.

“The sales of the Jesus Christ action figure have dropped by over 200% in the last 10 years, we are in need of new, compelling and toy-friendly characters…like the dinosaur in Toy Story,” a source close to the Pope told WWN.

“Our revenue streams are shrinking so the more Hollywood-esque the better,” the source concluded.

Rowling has thus far remained tight lipped on her vision for the Bible and its merry band of characters but a number of Hollywood producers are in discussions to turn it into a movie.

In the last century many Christian leaders have offered revisions on the interpretations of many of the Bible’s passages but Rowling is expected to take a more drastic approach.

“Judas is probably going to wear a leather jacket and JK is toying with the idea of a nervous twitch or even an eye-patch. Also why have one book when can have more? She is thinking of splitting it up into 9, maybe 10 books” the author’s publicist shared with WWN.

Recently, this 'news article' was emailed to me from a well intentioned reader as another example of the religious travesty happening around the world. So before I start to resend and spread any story myself, I always check out the facts. On occasion, I have slipped up in not checking and every time, every time, get bitten in the ass, and it's embarrassing.  Have you ever thought about who gets hurt?
Since the raw email article came to me without any credits for the editorial content or authorship noted, the pirated material took the recognition away for the creative efforts of Colm Williamson and Julius Hubris in Ireland. They are the creators and brains behind the 'Waterford Whispers News', a satirical website, who lost their identity and true intentions to humorously entertain, not alarm people with such a sham misrepresentation of their cleaver imagination.                                                                                                                    

So, not only are the originators of the materials misrepresented but the readers of the misinformation are doing a disservice by disseminating wrong ideas held out as fact. It's no wonder that the World Wide Web, or in Chinese: wàn wéi wǎng (万维网), on the Internet has not made all the readers in the blogosphere react as 'flash-mob' take-overs in stores, malls or even revolutions at the drop of a hat. Let's be honest here, how many of you have a friend who sends tons of '--Forwarded messages'--? It makes one wonder why they don't throw them into their trash cans to save others from reading them.

Remember that the next time you begin to send a "'--Forwarded message--", please check out the information source and facts before emailing it out. You are putting your good name on something that now carries your own honest word that it’s the truth; it's in a currency that's as good as gold. That's what computer hackers, malicious malware software developers rely upon to carry their insidious virus infections from one computer to another. Other computer hacks just get their jollies off knowing their absurd and hurtful stories can damage someone else's reputation; it's the 'reality show' effects for real. Then other emails are just plain stupid for a range of reasons; but mostly just dumb, dumber and dumbest.  

The 'Truth or Fiction' fact-check site reported:  The Roman Catholic Church has not asked J.K. Rowling to write a new Bible.  This is a hoax and its source is a satire website called "Waterford Whispers News" - Nothing on this website should be taken seriously. This is the disclaimer page on the site that said, "Waterford Whispers News is a fabricated satirical newspaper and comedy website published by Waterford Whispers News."

Here is a partial list of the major verification sites:

  1.  a political website financed by Peter Soros, left-wing liberal.
  2. a site owned by the Barbara & David Mikkelson, big left-wing liberal Obama donors.
  3. owned by the Tampa Bay Times leans liberal bias.
  4. a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, an uber-liberal scholastic institution.
  5. was founded by the late Rich Buhler, who was also known as the "Father of Modern Christian Talk Radio" at KBRT, Corona, CA. 

It is interesting to note that when you go to one fact checking 'dot com or dot org' site, it is wise to check another site too.  And, it never hurts for a quick "Google" of the subject that may bring up contrasting opinions and facts too.   


Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

In 1887, an English Historian, Lord Acton observed, "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" - in  1970, the first Earth Day, cartoon Comic Pogo declared, "I have met the enemy and he is us." These two incongruous quotes offer this sage observation: "We are our own enemy if we let our government become more absolutely corrupt with its absolute power over us." 

Church Tombstone Tiled Floor - Where he is entombed.Reaching out for an eight hundred and forty-four year old case about a homicide is certainly remarkable in itself. Moreover though, it's current relevance is just as profound today. On December 19, 1170 in a small town in England, a fifty-two year old man was murdered by four assailants near a church alter. This heinous crime was a vengeful act since it was to kill a voice to stifle the source of political opposition.

That story is closely akin to today's IRS proposals for new tax-exempt 501(c)(4) group rules to redefine 'political activity'. They include 'voter-registration drives' that sign up new partisan voters and the 'production of non-partisan scorecards' that define a legislator's voting record to restrict what the IRS Agency deems as excessive spending on campaigns by tax-exempt 501(c)(4) groups, the main target being conservative ones. These new regulations are designed to kill a voice to stifle political opposition too.

In 1170, at Canterbury Cathedral the King's knights began hacking at their victim finally splitting his skull, a sword's crushing blow 'extinguished the life' of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. On that cold December evening he struggled on the steps of his altar refusing to accept the King's abuse of secular authority over him about the privileges and rights of the churchKing Henry, in a rage, was purported to shout: "What sluggards, what cowards have I brought up in my court, who care nothing for their allegiance to their lord. Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest." The brutal event sent a tremor through Medieval Europe. Public opinion of the time and subsequent history have laid the blame for the murder at the feet of Becket's former close personal friend, King Henry II.

So too, the crushing blows by the IRS to 'extinguish the life' of tax-exempt 501(c)(4) groups is equally brutal, but that is 'Chicago-style Politics'. It only gets dirtier as the polls get closer to a count of ballots in the mid-term elections. With so many Democrat candidates to defend for the past five years years of Democrat legislation passed, this is a welcomed IRS 'Hail Mary' law passed for Democrats that would slam down all the conservative megaphones during the mid-term reelection bids for sure. They still see no abuse of power by the Obama administration in the IRS scandal. What does IRS director of exempt organizations, Lois Lerner know? 

On January 21, 2010 the Supreme Court held that only Corporations and Unions can make independent expenditures in political races. The Democrats were ecstatic. On March 26, 2010, the DC Court of Appeals held up that 'persons' and including 'tax-exempt 501(c)(4) corporations' like 'Citizens United', a conservative group, can pool resources for political purposes. The Democrats wailed and complained.--"We fear the decision has given the traditionally pro-business GOP a powerful new advantage." (Obviously referring to the big, bad, conservative billionaires like the Koch brothers)

HELLO! - Democrats please mention your powerful, moneyed donors too:

  • Government and Private Unions (SEIC, AFO-CIO, IBT, CWA, UFW, et. al.)
  • Billionaire Peter Soros
  • Billionaire Hedge Fund Mgr.Tom Styer 
  • Billionaire Warren Buffett
  • Billionaire Bill Gates
  • Billionaire Google CEO Larry Page
  • Billionaire Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
  • Billionaire Property Heiress Penny Pritzker
  • Billionaire Hollywood Moguls & Stars

These are just a few left-wing liberals that fund the Demo coffers too. I get so really tired of the left-wing-nut pundits and liberal mainstream media conveniently not bringing out this glaring list of like-minded wealthy contributors. 


A Real Turn-Off - Not Fox News

These advertisements are real. They appeared from 'nowhere' over four years ago. Apparently, it was a preemptive attack against a potentially harsh critic of liberal policies emanating from Washington, DC. Coincidentally, the FCC was then exploring a proposal for a mandatory "fairness doctrine" for the internet which would monitor web traffic for acceptable content allowed by government guidelines--connect the dots if you can. (By the way, it failed.)

This week, what is really news was no news--about a reporting travesty. Not from Fox News, but from the mainstream media on not airing any news about an alarming move again by the FCC. It's planning to perform a 'Critical Information Needs' study, CIN study, on the "balance and content" of media news subject matter according to U.S. Government guidelines mandated by FCC. The study will encompass eight areas on a checklist that the FCC feels the newsrooms should be covering. The purpose was based upon a mandatory regulation for a FCC report to congress every three years that explores any barriers that any small business or entrepreneurs have to gain entry into the communications industry --a thinly veiled ruse to tromp on our rights for freedom of the press to monitor and direct news content.

Of course, the media outlets participate in the study 'voluntarily', under 'no coersion', but are aware broadcast licenses are issued by FCC regulators--no 'external pressure' here? (By the way, it failed this week, but don't count the FCC out. They want to 'redesign' the study now and go forward with it--beware, it's never over for progressive liberal media control.)

FACTOID: , and did not experience any 'barriers' to the communication industry nor any 'restrictions' about news and information topics. With the freedom and vast access to the virtual Internet and hosting platforms, the opportunities and outlets are limitless. After all, today with cable and satellite connections anyone can find anything, anywhere, at any time--no Federal oversight intrusion is welcome or needed from the FCC. 

Kudos and congratulations to Mr. Ajit Pai, the only FCC Commissioner, one out of five board members, who was really alarmed and truly disturbed because this study suddenly and mysteriously came out of nowhere. The board members did not work up or participate in planning the study, so Mr. Pai felt obligated to bring this up and out into the light of public scrutiny--now here's real transparency for a change! 

Time: 5:20

This is a great interview with Mr. Ajit Pai, the FCC Commissioner, who blew the whistle on the so-called "study" that the FCC wants to do, that would send agents with probing questions into every newsroom - Federal Government watchdog spies.


World Hot Spots Highlight Obama Foreign Policy

Ukraine police shoot rioters,Obama apologists say the numerous world events are moving fast; so many that Obama has not had time to evaluate the diplomatic verses military options available in order to act. The various crises are also on different levels like human rights, economic turmoil and political or religious persecution. Then, the geopolitical areas are spread worldwide--like the Ukraine, Venezuela and Syria which all are under rebellions with riots in their streets. Why has unrest globally increased?

Maybe, global unrest has not increased at all. Instead, it actually could be discontent emerging while waiting for change to happen. With the Internet age burgeoning, the people of the world have the power of knowledge at their fingertips and governments cannot blockade their sovereign borders to ideas. People demand actions from their governments but their political structures cannot support the people's pressing requirements--they are not American-style democracies like the United States where income tax compliance rates are the highest in the world. Why does that matter? You can't offer government services without reliable, consistent income tax revenues. Nor, can the people support taxes of an unresponsive government that also suppresses its people. How does then the United States foreign policies affect this unrest?

Obama is a fence-sitter with an ignorant political naivety, with no real plans or  any use for the U.S. military industrial complex. During the 2012 Elections Obama bragged, "Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead." (By the way, all the groundwork was done before Obama came into office to locate and ready the OBL kill--he's just like a rookie outfielder blocking the sun with his glove to see and hears a ball crack off the bat to hit dead center into his mitt held overhead.) Now, since the terrorist threats are gone according to Obama, it's time to disassemble our military forces and pull out troops everywhere. The United Nations is now the world peace keeper force. 

Putin painfully listens to Obama bluster.

Obama's inactions foment anger, then contempt and ultimately real hatred for the United States since the most powerful and influential country in the world does nothing to encourage freedom for others around the globe. Obama has clearly proven his words and promises for actions are meaningless for the past five years--especially since letting Russian President Vladimir Putin lead him around by the nose in the Syrian and Iranian crises brokering peace talks and disarmament. Meanwhile, the United States offers no leadership, no direction and no exceptionalism to define itself or stand up out in front of all nations in a guiding role to bring about democratic changes.

"To the rear march!" ~ Now it's time to lead the Obama charge as we hightail it as fast as we can into retreat out of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars!  



Grabbing Hold of the Cat by the Tail

Why do people always ignore the very obvious facts when trying to figure out what next is happening around them?  Mark Twain once said, "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." Isn't that how we are now learning the same lessons from Obamacare too?  

If any of the electorate does not feel like they have been mauled and scratched up by now, then just expect it when the Obama Presidential executive orders on all deferred groups expire in 2016--ironically, it's just after all the Democrats get Obama's political cover from the 2014 mid-terms until the 2016 Presidential election cycle is over too--go figure!

With the joint failure of both Hillarycare and Obamacare, is the 'single-payer' socialistic medical plan the next grand insurance Federal program being foisted upon the American people? Duh, does anyone really, really need to ask what is obviously happening next?--if so, just 'grab the cat by the tail' again!

Until the private free-market is back in place without Federal intrusion, we cannot achieve affordable healthcare insurance reform like: 

  • Assure the basic rights of the insured that must include unrestricted nationwide interstate commerce across state lines to ensure competitive pricing. 
  • Remove the American Bar Association stranglehold over the insurance tort laws to reduce exorbitant award settlements to reasonable, equitable dollar amounts.
  • Include fairness in rates with coverage for pre-existing conditions and any policy transportability between employers as a mandatory component. 
  • Recind IRS enforcement of healthcare insurance policies under the existing Federal mandate to collect 'tax fines' under the Affordable Care Act as it is defunded and nullified.

The Democrats always blather on about the Republicans being the "Party of No", no ideas. Well, there are four solid points offered above that everyone can start to work on from both sides--so what's stopping Obama & Harry Reid now?