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Looking at 5 Eyes through Trifocals 

Our national security requires a view through Trifocal lens to see near, far and farthest to assess not only the kind of threat but the distance from an approaching threat and the anticipated time it will arrive. What clouds our lens is the collective hubris of government agencies which only adds fuel to the fires of public distrust. People see politicians as incapable of self-regulation and so consistent oversight, review and congressional authority under U.S. constitutional laws must be maintained to control this bureaucratic invasive monster. This is a love-hate relationship for which Americans must endure heightened vigilance in order to ensure their absolute safety and well-being.

“To approach the stranger is to invite the unexpected, release a new force, let the genie out of the bottle.  It is to start a new train of events that is beyond your control...” - T.S. Eliot

Written in 1963, fifty years ago, how apropos these music lyrics are today.

"...'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes can't help but see if you are true to me
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes." - Bobby Vee

With revelations of spyware planted on 50,000 networks, the "Five Eyes" states have been allowed to trample over their citizens' privacy for far too long.  - Editorial Credit: Eric King, The Guardian 11/26/13.

 "For more than 60 years, the secret patchwork of spying arrangements and intelligence-sharing agreements that makes up the Five Eyes alliance has remained obfuscated by the states that it benefits – Australia, the US, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. Save for one critically important release of declassified documents in 2010, the Five Eyes states have spent almost 70 years concealing from their citizens the scope and extent of their global surveillance ambitions – eroding the public's ability to communicate privately and securely without examination or question."

"Despite the fact that the Five Eyes comprises democratic governments, the rules that govern the arrangement – rules that have allowed the infiltration of every aspect of the modern global communications systems – are entirely hidden from the public. Providing for a complex division of roles, responsibilities and lines of authority, and the establishment of jointly run operations centres, the Five Eyes arrangement creates a signals intelligence architecture faster than NATO. And while its actions implicate the private communications of every connected individual across the globe, the arrangement was executed and operates clandestinely, hidden from the scrutiny of public oversight mechanisms and – until recently – the public."

"A fundamental principle of a democratic society is that people should know the laws and rules that govern the society in which they live. We cannot allow the Five Eyes to continue to operate shrouded in vague justifications of promoting security and defending against terrorism. [That is a very tough point to lobby much public support for because of the IS bloodlust to kill all infidels - i.e., Christians, Jews, Non-Believers & Apostates.]  

 "There is an urgent need to unmask this two-faced, five-eyed monster and subject it to the rigours of modern democratic criticism and scrutiny. The Five Eyes must be held to a new legal framework that respects the rights of all individuals, not just the citizens that live within a respective government's borders. [An international legal authority as a "new legal framework" such as the U.N. would be impossibly unable to address the security needs of each individual sovereign nation.] Without acting swiftly, the five-eyed monster will continue to grow in ambition, size, and scale, swallowing up everything in its path until we have no privacy left."


Obama Gives Away U.S. Internet Free Speech

The U.S. Internet ICANN issue is on target for international turnover next year as authoritarian governments seek control unless we all complain to our Senators and Congressmen--we need to act now in order to avoid it! 

"The Obama administration plan to give up U.S. protection of the open Internet won't take effect for a year, but authoritarian governments are already moving to grab control."--The Internet Commerce Association, which represents Web businesses, warns that the proposal "would transform Icann into a government-led organization," which is "completely counter" to the U.S. requirement that the Internet remain free of government control. They will suppress free speech. Where is YOUR outrage here?  YOUR Internet will be monitored and censored!

The World Wide Web, the Internet is teetering on the brink of collapse into an evil abyss. How many ways to Sunday do I have to emphasize that OBAMA KNOWS NOTHING? "Much of the blame for the splintering of the multistakeholder system lies with Mr. Obama's naïveté in putting Internet governance up for grabs. He underestimated the importance of Washington's control in maintaining an open Internet—and the desire among other governments to close the Internet. And there still is no plan to keep Icann free from control by governments."--sound like any of Obama's other plans like how to handle the Islamic State terrorism? Scary??

"Obama Administration officials pledged to Congress that "the U.S. would keep control over the Internet" if (1) the alternative was to empower other governments or (2) if there isn't full accountability for Icann. Both red lines have been crossed.

If Mr. Obama persists, Congress should block his plan with a simple message: The open Internet is too valuable to surrender." 




Kill Islamic Terrorists Down to their Pet Goats

"In the last 100 years the Middle East has exported only oil and terrorism, nothing else has been exported.", as reported Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters, Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, in an interview during an assessment of those countries. Lt. Col. Peters pointed out that besides oil they have produced no viable export goods for resale; developed any real public infrastructure to support commerce like highways, roads, sewers, bridges, railroads, public housing; built schools for general education levels.

They actually have not contributed in the past 1,500 years to any further significant scientific discoveries or technologies beyond the abacus, hooka and coffee bean.  

Lt. Col. Peters blasted President Obama and the political elite for their response to the Islamic State terrorists. He further said that political insiders, “our governing elite of both parties to a degree, they don’t understand the power of faith” [it's a transformative fury like a faith in flame] and added, “Even if Islamic State terrorists were broke which they were originally, they would [still] have this passion.” Let's face it, they are ready to die for Allah as suicide bombers or mindless combatants instead of fighting for their lives to live for another day. 

Obama talks with Saudi King Abdullah in March, 2014.The reign of terror from the Islamic State militants is frightening. In regards to Obama, Lt. Col. Peters states, "We have a terrified little man that doesn't know what to do." Our country's leadership is rudderless, feckless and meaningless to our own soldiers and has an absolute zero effect on our allies too. Saudi Arabia and the U.S. have long been close allies; however, recently the two countries have differed over a string of issues including the war in Syria, the conflict between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran’s role in the Middle East.

The only relief for our current leadership problem is to ride it out for a year and a half. Lt. Col. Peters finally concluded, "The U.S. Army will outlast this President!"


Mexico's Clear Message to Cops in Ferguson, MO

After the recent live TV theater action from Ferguson, MO on the police involved shooting, what did you bring away from it besides the shooting? How about the show of police force? It was pretty scary stuff, over the top, but many said justified. If it was in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan wars it would be a necessity in warfare. I have never seen U.S. public demonstrations in the United States reach the combat fervor of raising the threat limits to the level of combat; albeit, some anomalies admittedly do exist.

Read about how a country has gone back to the wild West just "south of de border down Mexico way."  It is an instruction manual on what not to do in federal government civil inforcement interdiction.

El Presidente de Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto is a true politician's politician. With his movie star good looks and his 'soap opera' TV star wife, and promises of social reforms and government services he swept the 2012 national elections.

Enrique Peña Nieto returned to power the 'PRE', a corrupt political party in itself, that ruled with an iron fist for seventy-five years that was rife with murders, bribery, extortion, kidnapping, drug cartels and pay-offs. It read more like a tabloid crime story from the top on down. The jury is still out on how the Nieto political machine will overcome its past or not.

Presidente Peña Nieto recognizing Mexico's massive crime problems, started a newly formed security force in 2013 that will function as a response force to recover public spaces from criminal control. Peña Nieto will have, at minimum, a 100,000-strong federal security force by the end of his six-year term, with 50,000 Federal Police and 50,000 members of the gendarmerie. As WOLA, the Washington Office on Latin America, and others have indicated, there are many concerns about the creation of the gendarmerie, particularly given the military nature of the force and the lack of consultation with the Mexican Congress and civil society about its creation over using instead civilian-led police security forces.

It is worth noting that unlike the model that the U.S. government has promoted in Latin American countries (including Mexico), U.S. law strongly restricts our military from carrying out law enforcement roles in the United States, and for good reason—the police and the military are not interchangeable bodies. 

  • Military forces are trained for combat situations in which force is used to overwhelm an armed enemy.  
  • Police are a civilian corps, trained to address threats to public security while using the least amount of force possible and to address crime with the cooperation of the people. 
There are inherent risks in having military-trained forces in close contact with the civilian population as situations can become volatile creating tensions and armed overreaction. 


Obama's New 'Racial Unrest Poster Boy'

The Washington Post reported on Michael R. Brown, 'a college bound student', that was a fatally shot teenager in a Ferguson, MO 'police officer involved shooting' who just singled him out for no reason - looks like the new 'Racial Poster Boy'. Today, thankfully now the Internet allows broad news coverage that removes the 'mainstream media' filters for the biased news reporting. Here’s are some unmentioned background facts on Michael Brown that are going to make this another 'Travon Martin' case, one outcome that most Liberals and Blacks are not going to like.

Michael R. Brown 'who was on his way to College' was also arrested and charged back on Nov. 2, 2013 with Burglary, Armed criminal action, Assault with the intent to do great bodily harm, and again Armed criminal action all stemming from one incident.

You can look all this up yourself at: The Official State of Missouri Superior Court site: Missouri - Do your Lookup in "Litigant Search",  Search "For All Participating Courts", (Judicial Circuit 22, St. Louis County), Case was "Filed in 2014", you then hit to "Find" it.

Michael R. Brown was scheduled for his court trial in Sept 2014. I thought he was 'college bound' for the Fall in Sept. according to the Washington Post story.

As the primary witness to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, Dorian Johnson currently is 'wanted for an outstanding warrant' for a 2011 theft in Jefferson City, MO after he 'pleaded guilty for filing a false police report' related to that theft.

This will not been seen in the mainstream media. Here's a Facebook picture of Michael Brown, the reportedly 'poor, unarmed college bound teen', and Dorian Johnson, the star eyewitness to Michael Brown's shooting sitting behind him. The 'homie' has a Semi-automatic handgun with a full clip, enough stash of cash, adequate libations of drank, a good friend alongside, heading for college - how much better could it have been? Vatterott College is a for-profit career training institute in the fields of Business, Technical, Medical, Trades, Court Reporting, Culinary...and my guess 'Gangsta Shit'.

Hawaiian Punch Drank: A bunch of action starts off to a bottle of Hawaiian Punch. Mix the Hawaiian Punch with some rum or vodka until the booze to juice ratio is about 2:1. When you got the perfect combination, Mix that shit up real good in a water bottle and get yo drank on. After you realize yo drank way more than yo limits, yo gonna need a bucket homie! Welcome back yo lunch cuz u gonna be spitin cookies everywhere! This kinda drinking is usually used to 'pregame' before any big thang that's happening.  

Assistant Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda holds Trayvon Martin's Skittles & Arizona Watermelon Tea Drink he bought at 7-Eleven, but didn't say what was their use in the hip hop music gangsta rap culture.

At Treyvon Martin's trial, Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda said, "Treyvon's only crime was buying skittles and an Arizona Tea drink at a neighborhood 7-Eleven on his way over to his Dad's place." - Do you know the full story on Treyvon's criminal background? How about the possession of stolen jewelry from high school lockers, then painting graffiti on classroom doors, expelled twice from high school and then of "Tray's" badass rapculture act with his black gangsta hoodie, arm and wrist tattoos, the bottom front row teeth are gold capped, toking marijuana buds, drug-pusher dealing and martial arts street fighting.

On the same fateful night, Trayvon was already an expelled student who was sent from his mother's house where she couldn't handle him and sent him over to live at his Dad's girlfriend's townhouse community where George Zimmerman lived. Trayvon was already high smoking marijuana that afternoon. Trayvon only needed to add his Robitussin cough syrup and athe 7-Eleven he got the only thing left to mix up into his 'drank', that was Arizona Watermelon Tea with Skittles to make an euphoric Ecstasy high.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and President Obama are running after another bogus 'Al Sharpton - Tawana Brawley' case with the Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin cases mixed in too. They tried to destroy George Zimmerman's case and they will now attack officer Darren Wilson's case as well even though the preponderance of evidence most likely will be found that he was justified and consequently vindicated.