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Obama Exits as a Bamboozled, Befuddled Buffoon

Boy, Dilbert really spells it out and surely nails it down! There is no doubt about how his outrage was provoked by an absolute idiot who removes all doubt that he knows nothing when he opens up his mouth.

Wow, I know that I can match Dilbert's disdain for that "stupid is as stupid does" boss of his in the office. I can think of another boss who has not only opened his mouth, but he has inserted his foot into it many times too.

In the November 2012 Presidential race, iimplying that he single-handedly took care of the terrorist threat, Obama said, "Osama Bin Laden is dead and al Queda is on the run." The al Queda terrorists apparently didn't get his message yet.

In January 2014, about the terrorist Islamic State, IS, Obama has boasted, "The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant." Seeing recent middle East newscasts it appears they're in the NBA Finals game handedly overtaking the Lakers for the World Championship win. 

On a U.S. Navy carrier the crew had hung a banner on the side of the deck flight tower boasting "Mission Accomplished" as a backdrop while President G.W. Bush spoke on the Iraq War victories about toppling Sadam Hussein in Iraq. It appeared to be braggadocio as the mainstream press repeatedly ridiculed the message in ongoing coverage.

Not surprisingly the main stream media hasn't mentioned about the "Al Queda is on the run" and barely mentioned the Obama "jayvee team" Islamic State assessment nor have since because of the horrible atrocities now reported contradicting Obama's naive characterisation.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic Caliphate', IS, controls 35,000 square miles which stretches from the Syrian-Turkish border, through northern Syria, across the Iraqi border down to south of Baghdad. Pentagon officials say, "IS now controls a volume of resources and territory unmatched in the history of extremist organizations. According to an IS spokesman, "We will only stop when we are raising our IS flag at the White House."

Does Obama speak from Ignorance or left-wing nut idealism? If al Queda threw the IS out of their territories for brutality and bloodlust, then their acts of extreme violence, like beheading, are obvious to everyone in the region as they murdered Muslims; Kurds, Shia and Sunni. Their sociopathic lunacy with no moral conscience is embedded within the Islamic State's DNA and yet their actions in Obama's analogy are as a 'jay vee' level of behavior? Wow! What does Obama consider as a 'varsity' level--shooting, raping, beating, sodomising, torturing, dismembering, hanging and killing?

So how is Obama going to handle this group? The U.S. State Department again reiterated Obama's 'coalition policy' which insists the Iraqi army must first rally Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds before we join in with our armed forces in order to fight the Islamic State regime. Will that happen when Hell freezes over or after a next 9/11 attack on U.S soil? The Islamic State promises it's coming and they've kept true to their word with our allies and friends. Isn't time that the United States of America government keep its word to defend the American people who depend upon their strong defense? There are no other organizations or countries to form a coalition with to fight for the American values and freedom--Obama, it's time to man up and do the job you were elected to do--lead, follow or get out of the way!


Making Cents of 2016 Campaign Slush Funds

The Federal Elections Commission, FEC, Presidential 2012 Report results: 129,085,403 total votes cast. Obama: 65,915,796 (51.06%) Romney: 60,933,500 (47.20%)  Others: 2,236,107 (1.73%) Voting Age: 226,465,619 (57% Voted) Total U.S. Population: 317,000,000 (100%)

As anyone can see, the ballot numbers cast are small, the vote margins are slim and a candidate's chance to win are none if voters do not get out and vote, much less even take time to request absentee ballots to mail back by election day. Dauntingly, the staggering campaign funding to prod out these U.S. electorate to vote is literally a billionaire's game as both major parties will raise and spend a historical record busting $1 billion each for the 2016 Presidential election. Now divide that measly number of 129,085,403 actual voters into $2 billion! It works out to a whopping cost per capita vote of $15,490. 

Blame it on the Koch brothers! The billionaire Neo-Con archvillians are the Democrat nemesis extraordinares who have been extensively blamed in the mainstream media headlines which continue on with episodic storytelling. So, it offers up to the casual T.V. viewers or Newspaper readers a never-ending continuity to the big, bad 'bogeyman' syndrome about ultra-rich 'tea party conservatives' controlling the agenda narratives in all of the elections. It all sounds very plausible, but is that scenario really possible? Or, maybe not?

Another billionaire 'bogeyman' is Democrat Tom Steyer, a former Wall Street hedge fund manager and avid environmentalist. The environmentalists envisioned Steyer as their 'knight in shining armour' to realign their party platform planks to champion their issues. Then, Democrats have hailed him as their new power broker with a $500 million war chest to rival the Koch brothers as Steyer arrived on the scene vowing $100 million for the 2014 fall elections. He would match $50 million of his own money to $50 million from donors to run 'hard-edge' campaign of attack ads and make Climate a 'wedge issue' to divide voters. As of last month, according to Politico, his NextGen Climate action committee had raised all of $1.2 million.

To the DNC, Democrat National Committee, and Tom Steyer's great surprise was that his bold campaign strategy of attacking anti-environmental candidates was deeply, politically flawed. At first look, it appeared extremely ambitious, the idea to get those anti-climate change rascals voted out of office and establish strong 'climate change' planks in the Democrat platform. On second look, it became horribly obvious that by eliminating those rascals Steyer would throw some key Democrat senators out of office that had purposely distanced themselves away from Obama green fuel iniatives in order to win independent leaning voters in their coal, oil and gas producing states.

This 'climate caped-crusader' very well could single-handedly cost the Democrats their Senate seats to shift the majority over to Republicans; so the DNC strategists preemptively wiped out the NextGen operations right off their electoral map plans. So it goes to prove that money isn't everything in political influence pedalling; it helps to implement a well thought out campaign that weighs out all the consequences to its actions. Tom Steyer and the Democrat party in their zeal and exuberance to perjoratively attack the Republican values proved out an important lesson: "Stupid is as Stupid does." And what's its message to voters?  

Don't believe all of those campaign attack ads and nasty rhetoric to get your votes; instead vote on what really matters to you, not what is sold in 10 second sound bites to you by special interest Activists, well-financed Washington K Street Lobbyists and monied Billionaires. ...Try Thinking for Yourself for a Change! ...and that is a Change that you can really believe in!

Vote in the 2014 Mid-Term Elections! 


Obama Duplicates Past Mistakes

So here we go... Hitler then ISIS? If this history is copied into this generation we would have a 'Generation Xerox.' So here we are... History is duplicated again! Why has the White House underestimated the ISIS Islamist terrorist threats that fomented and metastasized into a massive festering deadly tumor like the Nazis? Why has President Obama referred to the ISIS fighters as 'militants' and 'rebels' instead of 'terrorists'? Why has President Obama minimized the ISIS worldwide threat even further by referring to them as a 'Jayvee team'?  

It is certainly obvious that Obama is working way above his pay grade as he appears to be clueless on who is the real enemy. However, he may be on game too by pitching a soft sell on the word 'terrorist' in other terms so he deliberately avoids the truth with the American people about the "T" word, 'terrorist', which is evil and must be killed. Obama is then tailoring this narrative to match his passive foreign military policy of 'no boots on the ground' and 'al Queda is on the run' in order to leave ongoing wars against 'terrorists' that have no 'terrorists' to shift the national political focus over to his unfinished, domestic agenda. After all, Obama still has his signature Obamacare act on life support; an immigration reform bill stuck on the border fences; energy programs stalled on top of drilling rigs and in the XL pipeline with coal mines to be closed to kill an industry; more EPA job-killing regulations pending further legislative approvals; and Presidential executive orders waiting for signatures to further bypass more Constitutional congressional oversight

Obama has always championed cooperation with U.N. global partners to persuade countries to obey international rules of law or conform to acceptable norms of conduct. Under the auspices of the rules for U.N. rebuke and punishment on bad behavior, Obama has conducted formal punitive actions against U.N. member nations by delivering general assembly U.N. admonishments, making formal U.N. Declarations and seeking U.N. Sanctions. These actions were clearly backed up with all the prestige of the U.N. Organization and full military power of the U.N. peace keeper forces. ...So did you fall out of your chair laughing so hard at this joke of a U.S. Foreign Policy Plan to handle rogue nations and tough issues?

When U.N. embargoes deepened in 2010 and 2012, concerns over preventing Iran's nuclear program for enrichment beyond peaceful power plants created international markets to withdraw from Iran. It was further hit with Western sanctions which included shipping embargoes, trade restrictions and business banking transaction limitations. Were these non-military actions effective and did they accomplish their intended goals, yes or no? It depends only if the sanction pressures remain in place by all the International partners until Iran stops their nuke production. What reality scenario could unravel Obama's attempt to stop the Iranian plutonium enrichment program? ..."Sprechen sie Deutsch?"  

So where is Obama's tough talk now on those punishing sanctions to stop the Iranian nuclear arms production? Anger over Russia's role in the Ukrainian conflict and the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner has cooled German foreign investment in Russia. Ongoing rumors leaking out of the U.S.-Iran talks are about encouraging more sanctions relief to motivate Iran in working to prevent further nuclear development. So in seeking a safer investment haven, those companies all across Germany have quietly rekindled once-strong ties with Iran. Sparking the interest among businesses is the opportunity to tap into 77 million potential consumers that may open with a booming market soon as the U.S. embargoes gets lifted. Say what? I guess that is just one more 'red line' that now got erased too? 

The United States is lead by a feckless, castrated, impotent warrior: Obama has now removed all doubt--the Emperor indeed has no clue or clothes!


Obama Waffles on Global Security

Obama Global Security Building Blocks


Along with opposing views from former President Jimmy Carter's meeting to show support of Hamas officials and Senator Hillary Clinton's tough talk to a new level in an ABC News interview, saying she would destroy Iran if it ever launched a nuclear attack against Israel saying, "We would be able to totally obliterate them," Obama's testy reaction to a reporter's breakfast interruption on the 2008 Presidential campaign trail exposed a raw sore spot in the future President's world view of Hamas and Islamic terrorism. 

Marking the final day of campaigning before the April, 2008 Pennsylvania primary Sen. Barack Obama was meeting with voters at Glider's Diner, in Scranton, Pa., Obama would not let a reporter's question come between him and his breakfast plate.

Asked to offer comments on the former President Jimmy Carter meeting with Hamas officials, the senator replied sternly, "Why can't I just eat my waffle?"

The reporter repeated the question. Obama took a bite into a butter-smothered oversize Belgian waffle, and said - this time with a wink - "Just let me eat my waffle."

I think anyone listening could hear that Obama had 'waffled' by not answering that very telling question. By leaving conjecture open about what would be his real world view of combating Hamas and Islamic terrorism, Obama was side-stepping that issue not to mention his own radical strategic views favoring Muslim slants which could cost him votes too. 

Senator Obama during the campaign off-handedly mentioned his true views saying, “You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a [flag] pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest…” A firestorm erupted and Obama doing an immediate about-face began wearing his U.S. flag pin again! [You think 'lost votes' came to his mind?]

Editorials loudly voiced similar comments like "The premise of the senator’s explanation is, however, a familiar one: that speaking out, as he has done against the war, is “true patriotism.” Certainly dissent is important, and it’s both the right and the privilege of all Americans. However, equating it [dissent] with true patriotism is like comparing dating with a good marriage." [I guess there is no substitute for the real thing for a meaningful, lasting relationship.]

As President for nearly six years, Barack Obama and his top aides believe they are putting in place a new global security structure that will frame international relations for decades. However, every day brings a narrative questioning their own White House's confidence in its long-term strategy with the daily chaos playing out from the Ukraine to the Middle East. This Obama presidential disconnect is reflected in his declining poll ratings too. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released on August 4, 2014 shows American approval of the Obama foreign-policy record is at a new low of 36%. Sad. Over two thirds of Americans disapprove of it now. 

"Mr. Obama appears increasingly frustrated with his inability to tamp down the notion that American influence has waned on his watch, which some critics of his foreign policy say is evidenced by the confluence of crises."


Hamas Tunnel Vision Focuses On Jews

Stories From The Battlefield:

 Hamas Tunnels Used To Target Israel’s Kindergartens


By Mordechai Ben-Menachem

"Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack.

"The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.

"The IDF recently published the below map showing that tunnels were created in pairs, to empty out on both sides of nearby communities. The known cost of the infrastructure – each tunnel costs upward of some $1 million – clearly shows that Hamas was planning a coordinated mega-attack.  It must be understood that use of even one tunnel would inevitably trigger Israeli retaliation against the entire network." 

A map of a small portion of the tunnels meant to be used 9 weeks from now.

"Revelations regarding the planned tunnel attack magnitude played a decisive role in the Israeli government’s rejection of a ceasefire proposed late Friday by Secretary of State John Kerry.

"Unbelievably, Kerry actually proposed in his latest “cease-fire proposal” none of  which have been honored by Hamas so far – that Israel refrains from degrading remaining attack tunnels. This mind-boggling concept would necessarily be rejected by any sane government, of any country."

"Israeli security sources, citing information acquired in interrogations of captured brigands, described a scenario under which hundreds of heavily armed Hamas fighters would have spilled out into Israel in the dead of night and within 10 minutes been positioned to infiltrate essentially all Israeli communities surrounding the Gaza Strip. 

Waiting then in hiding until schools and kindergartens were occupied, the terrorists would then attempt to kill the children first, and then kill and kidnap as many Israelis as possible.  The plot was set to take place during Jewish New Year, on September 24.

“It’s like the Underground, the Metro or the Subway,” Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said. “These tunnels are all connected. I would describe it as Lower Gaza.”

"Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said, “A whole city of terror tunnels has been found.  Without the ground operation, we would have woken up one day to an Israeli 9/11.” Except, the actual objective was to be five times 9/11."

This picture shows clearly the width of one of the tunnels, sufficient for wheeled vehicles to transverse it.  Hamas did not build a “subway” system for the Gaza residents. They built an infrastructure for one purpose, and one only, an industry of death.  

"Israeli military officials reported that the tunnels are all stocked up with tranquilizers, handcuffs, syringes, ropes and other materials used for subduing abductees, civilians and soldiers. The tunnels also had fantastic quantities of explosives and additional military materiel meant to be used in the up-coming mega attack. Much of these explosives had already been placed underneath Israeli kindergartens. Some of these tunnels were as deep as 30 meters underground."

Fantastic quantities of explosives were stored in every tunnel, meant to be used in a mega-attack on civilian communities and infrastructure.

"Sources say the Gaza Strip war, Operation Protective Edge, could serve as a prelude for a much more very extensive underground war with the Iranian-sponsored group of Hezbollah. But perhaps, not ‘just’ in the Middle East.

"The tunnels inside Gaza and under the Israeli border are not a secret project Hamas ran under the noses of Israel and the Palestinian public. Everyone in Gaza, knew that beneath Gaza, the City and all of its environs, a network of tunnels was being dug over the past five years, with an investment of tens of millions of dollars. Yet no one in Israel, public or military, was prepared for the scope of the tunnels – the danger that became clear in the past week or two."

Senior Hamas operatives show off their offensive tunnels to their spouses. Unbelievably, this is actually a picture of a Marriage taking place in the ‘place of death’.

"In order to create this monstrosity, Hamas needed significant professional help; and this help had to have come from a large organization or state entity. This is not just the monetary aid it received from Qatar, America’s ally. This is professional guidance for the performance of such an underground feat. Perhaps Hamas could have used experts from the tunnels dug at Rafah under the Gaza-Egypt border, but those were significantly simpler, and did not demand any extraordinary investment or effort."

A Hamas operative climbing upward in a pier of one of the major tunnels.  Notice the work on the sides of the tunnel. 

"Who supplied these quantities of material? Who planned what would be needed? How did Hamas acquire thousands of ampoules of tranquilizer, syringes and other additional drugs to be used? These are far beyond the quantities and variety of what is needed by any civilian medical service.

How was all this brought in to the Gaza Strip? The logistics of this planned attack are the work of a well-organised military, not that of a militia or club. This was no amateur plan.

"Observers note that attack scenarios lined up with recently revealed data about the sophistication, scope and nature of the offensive tunnel network. As previously reported here, this sophistication and know-how is being copied right now by Mexico-based Hezbollah agents along the Southern US border. Tunnels in Southern Lebanon, as in South US, are significantly more difficult to detect than those in the sandy terrain of the Gaza Strip.

“Hamas planned these tunnels for years, and planned to use them to kidnap soldiers,” Israeli military spokesman Brig. Gen. Mordechai Almoz said. “[Now] they see the tunnels collapsing one after the other.” For the last two years, the Israeli army has sought to develop skills and equipment to fight in enemy tunnels and bunkers. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have used tunnels to operate command and control, to infiltrate Israel and abduct soldiers, to fire rockets and to conceal fighters amid invasion of the Gaza Strip."


Mordechai Ben-Menachem is a former researcher/lecturer at Ben-Gurion University and an author of 30 book ranging from engineering to poetry. He is also an ordained clergyman and a former soldier.