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Obama's Private Wars - Stupidity or Ignorance or Both?

Picture edited - Apologies to Mr. Netanyahu for the Obama image.

Say, how did Obama's basic understanding of the Islamic terrorism and war on the United States work out for him lately, like in Benghazi, Libya ....Hmmn? Ya think that Israel trusts Obama to have their back in any upcoming conflicts?

In his United Nations speech on Thursday, September 27 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drew a red line on an illustration of a bomb with a lit fuse.  Using graphics to give an easy-to-understand picture of the threat he sees, it shows Iran’s atomic program racing as it readies to explode bombs as an Islamic Terrorist country aiming nuclear warheads at Israel. 

Again, Obama's huge growing ego fueled by his naive, know-it-all attitude in a not-a-clue reality is sparking more radical Islamic terrorism throughout the world. Showing obvious disdain for Benjamin Netanyahu and the State of Israel, why didn't Obama still meet with any world leaders at the United Nations?  Could it be that he faces an election and did not want any subjects raised that show his incompetence? Is the U.S. being held hostage by Obama's own leadership shortcomings?

Do we need another four years of Obama's brand of his War on Terrorism? - al Queda is weakened and Osama Bin Laden is dead. Obama has missed 60% of his daily Security intelligence briefings that go beyond general newspaper and television coverage. He also lied to Americans about the facts about the 9/11/12 terrorism attack to cover up his deficient understanding of foreign policies in a complicated part of the world.



VOTE Nov 6, 2012!  ~



Convention Rating Boo Boos

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo

Obama gets advice from Honey Boo BooTLC's controversial reality show about a self-proclaimed "redneck" family and their Toddlers and Tiaras daughter, hit another ratings high as the Democrat Convention closed this week.  This follows the high ratings during the Republican Convention too.

The half-hour series' showing among adults 18-49 bested all other cable ratings for that night during Clinton's speech with 2.4 million viewers for each. Ad naseum describes all of the pre-planned, prepared and preordained outcomes after all of the vetted speeches, braggadocio and contrived pomp and circumstance. But, does this really explain the viewer rating spikes for this show?  Maybe, or does this prove how irrelevant the political conventions have become in these days of the 24/7 news coverage? Too much exposure for sure... even though Obama opined during this campaign season that he has not had the opportunity to explain fully his political positions as of yet. Oh really Mr. President?



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Paul Ryan - Ex-lover in Prison 

Well, they say, "Truth is stranger than fiction."  Well, this story surely falls under that quotation category.  LOL! 

Paul Ryan's ex-lover spent five months in prison for defrauding her employer out of $77,000 (but did he know this when he went to her wedding in May 2012?)

  • Deneeta Pope, 40, dated Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan after they met at college
  • Admitted defrauding Ernst & Young out of $77,000 for fake training
  • Convicted in 2001 and spent five months in federal prison
  • Pope, now an Obama supporter, was thrust into the spotlight by the re-emergence of Ryan's remarks that his 'college sweetheart was black'
  • Ryan said he suffered 'ugly comments' over the relationship
  • At Miami University, Pope was a cheerleader and he was in a fraternity
  • She donated $2,000 to his campaign to become a Congressman in 1997
  • But she also donated cash to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008
  • Ryan apparently attended her wedding to Michael Thompson in May this year

Paul Ryan's African-American college sweetheart has spent time in prison for wire fraud, it emerged today.

Deneeta Pope hit headlines after MailOnline revealed that she was the Republican vice-presidential candidate's ex-girlfriend who opened his eyes to the evils of racism.

She served five months in prison after defrauding her employer Ernst & Young out of $77,000 in 1999, according to the federal Bureau of Prisons.

Ms Pope admitted claiming funds from work to attend an educational course which did not exist.

Mr Ryan has stayed in touch with his ex over the two decades since they broke up - he even attended Ms Pope's wedding in May this year.

Michael Thompson

'Ex-con': Deneeta Pope, left, apparently spent five month in prison after confessing to wire fraud; she married Michael Thompson earlier this year



Paul Ryan and Deneeta Pope first fell for each other at Miami University of Ohio in the early 1990s. She was a stunning cheerleader and he, pictured here in his yearbook, a good-looking 6ft2in Irish Catholic


The former cheerleader was indicted by a grand jury in November 1999, and two years later pleaded guilty to faking receipts and expense claims in order to steal tens of thousands of dollars.

She would apparently transfer the fraudulently obtained funds to a secret bank account in Chicago, where she currently lives.

Following her conviction, Ms Pope was sentenced to five months in federal prison, and was released in May 2002.


Ryan & Racism - Paul Knows All About It

Daily Mail Uncovers Paul Ryan’s Black Ex-Girlfriend


Many on the Left have described the Romney-Ryan ticket as essentially a cynical team, prepared to exploit any and all racial tension to achieve election to the highest office in the land.

They apparently know next to nothing about the history of at least half of that ticket.

Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan, whose speech to the Republican National Convention recently electrified the country, and whose budget plan for entitlements can send otherwise sensible liberals into fits of rage, actually has quite a personal history with racism — not against Ryan himself, but against someone he was very close to. You see, while he was in college at Miami University in Ohio, Ryan had a romantic relationship with one of the star cheerleaders for Miami University’s Redhawks team – a driven, fitness-obsessed young woman (not unlike him) named Deneeta Pope.

Deneeta Pope, the Young Black Woman Who Paul Ryan Dated For Five Years, Revealed By Daily Mail

Deneeta Pope, pictured left

As you can probably tell from the picture, Ms. Pope herself was African-American. And to hear Ryan tell it, this prompted some ugly comments from people he thought of as his “friends.”

Deneeta Pope, the Young Black Woman Who Paul Ryan Dated For Five Years, Revealed By Daily Mail

The full picture of the cheerleading squad

“I just experienced some ugly comments, some racist views from people who I thought were friends of mine,” Ryan told Milwaukee Magazine.

Deneeta Pope, the Young Black Woman Who Paul Ryan Dated For Five Years, Revealed By Daily Mail

Pope, today

The relationship between the two lasted five years and eventually died when Ryan moved to Washington, DC. Ms. Pope, now a registered Democrat in her 40s, is now married to Michael Thompson, an IT specialist and President of a court reporter company. She has apparently endured a more turbulent love life than Ryan himself, according to the Daily Mail:

While Ryan went on to marry his Janna, Pope’s love-life has been less settled. 

She married Mark Niedzielski in 2004 but the couple split after four years. Niedzielski, told MailOnline: ‘She’s a great person, really nice, our marriage broke up because we just grew apart.’

Deneeta Pope, the Young Black Woman Who Paul Ryan Dated For Five Years, Revealed By Daily Mail

Deneeta Pope with friends

Pope married her second husband Michael Thompson, 44, three months ago. He is an IT specialist and is president of Thompson Court Reporters, a Chicago-based firm that supplies online legal information nationwide.

The newlyweds live in the Lincoln Park home that Pope bought and is situated on a leafy street in the affluent suburb.

A neighbour who asked not to be named, said, “They’re a pleasant couple and this is a great neighbourhood. Whenever I seen them, they look happy.”

Today, Pope is a realtor for @Properties in Chicago and also has her own property portfolio. Two years ago, she bought a $1.05 million four-bedroom 4.5-bath condominium in the Lincoln Park area of the city.

Thompson declined to discuss his wife’s previous relationship with Ryan. ‘She really does not want to talk about any of this,’ Thompson told MailOnline.

No doubt, uncharitable readers will see this as evidence that something ugly happened in the relationship. However, Ms. Pope apparently harbors no ill-will towards Ryan. The Daily Mail’s story suggests that she has actively shown an interest in reconnecting with him as a friend, since his political career began to take off.

Sadly, no pictures survive of Deneeta Pope and Paul Ryan together.

Click On: Paul Ryan's ex-girlfriend


A Look into 2016 - A Glimpse into our Future

About Dinesh D'Souza: A Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Dartmouth College who served under President Ronald Reagan. Named in 2010 as president of The King’s College, in New York City. Dinesh brought a distinguished 25-year career as a writer, scholar, and public intellectual to The King’s College. Prior to this appointment, Dinesh also served as John M. Olin Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the Robert and Karen Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

Dinesh with President Reagan in the White House where he served as a policy analyst.

My Movie Review:

Obama's America 2016

A new release by Dinesh D'Souza, this well researched and fact-filled documentary certainly opens the dialogue on both sides on who has been elected to the highest office in the land: A Love/Hate relationship that is so volatile that the 2012 Election is a major inflection point in the direction of our country going forward.

I urge anyone who wishes to really learn the facts as laid out by Obama himself, in his own words and in his own voice. Just listen as he explains why and how he will change the United States from the major aggressive nation of suppressive colonialists and plunderers of the world's wealth to satisfy our greedy thirst and personal consumption at the expense of other countries.  

Fact: Obama explains his class-war rationale as the one percent verses the ninety-nine percent, the rich capitalists against the middle class folks. Truth: As the documentary unfolds, Obama trully reveals that ratio more clearly, it is not what most Americans understand but what third worlders already know.  The middle class in the United States are actually living in the top one percent and the rest of the world is in the ninety-nine percent.  Conclusion: Obama is setting up all of the middle class in the U.S. to foot the tax bill to support the rest of the world by distributing our wealth to other nations around the world through a global economy of trade treaties. They are being worked on as you read this blog.



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