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Obama "Wouldn't Rule Out Anything" in Iraq

On June 14, 2014 the Washington Post reported that President Obama said, "It is now clear Iraq will need help from the United States as the situation there deteriorates," adding that he "wouldn’t 'rule out anything,' including drone strikes and air strikes, but not ground troops."

If the Commander & Chief stays his historical ideological course, the Islamic Militants' Caliphate should be firmly established and spreading throughout the Middle Eastern region. Sharia law will flourish and grow to prosper as the United States shrinks impotently into a shriveled, sniveling United Nations member cowering in a corner with others under the fears of future domestic 9/11 style attacks.

So how can one arrive at such a dismal conclusion? Easy. Obama said, "I would not rule out anything"--and so Obama does nothing about 'anything!'   



Can Obama Really Hash it Out to Tag the Boko Haram?

Michelle, Barack & Bill with the #Hashtag Defense PlanThe Boko Haram insurgents who had kidnapped on April 14, 2014 the 276 teenage girls from a boarding school, 53 escaped with horror filled stories to tell.

So then, the U.S. "leaped in from the rear" to stand in line behind Chad, U.K., China and France. The U.S. had then dispatched eighty soldiers to guard a drone base in Chad that will be flying drones over Nigeria--the U.S. First Lady Michelle and Barack even ratcheted up their rhetoric with a very bold 'Hashtag', #BringBackOurGirls attack against the Boko Haram Islamists. Euuwee...Scary stuff!

To date there has been no other breakthroughs or any progress. So then on Monday, June 9, 2014 twenty more girls have been kidnapped only a short distance from the earlier abductions. Don't those Boko Haram Islamists ever read their 'tweet' feeds? - they are so 'unfriended' too in Facebook! Say whuh?

After all the bluster, indignation and resolve expressed by our fearless leader, the U.S. Supreme Commander Obama, again it all is for not--just more feckless, limp, gobble-gook of empty rhetoric spewed upon the ground like wasted seed blown away in time. The reality is that no military actions the President has ever sown has been brought to fruition, it just yields endless dry, barren, fallow acres. When do the Liberal lefties stop carrying Obama's water into his political dried-up wasteland? It is a disastrous crop failure, Obama's foreign policies have yielded nil. So now, what are my real feelings about this poor excuse for a President?

Obama really doesn't even know how to "Hash it out" to our enemies either! But, do you think TWO Hashtags with ALL THE WORDS IN CAPS (in bold) would shout out that the U.S. is really even more madder now with an United Nations initiative to show their force on the ground with U.N. troops? This last paragraph was all said in 'tongue-in-cheek' humour, but Obama may read it and try this plan anyway. Sad.



Another Blow for Internet Freedom - ICCAN

STFU! Moscow Controls Internet Speech


STFU! ...Oops! BTW, it's not the acronym for the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union founded in 1934, LOL! President Vladimir Putin just signed into law to restrict the use of profanity to reinforce what the Kremlin calls traditional values in Russia. This line item is contained within their Internet bill to tighten controls over speech and the Internet.  

Bloggers with more than 3,000 daily page views will be subject to hefty fines for profanity beginning in August, 2114. The laws do not define what the 'foul language' is which leaves the totalitarian Putin regime wide latitudes in levying restrictions, incarcerations and fines.

Obama recently signed an executive order transferring in 2015 the United States based management of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) controls over to the United Nations body and a yet "unnamed group of people" as an international board legislating regulations of the who, what, why and when on how the World Wide Web, WWW, runs on the Internet.

Are those international panel members that will administrate the proposed 'United Nations ICANN Organization' oversight going to be all inclusive with like-minded thinkers as in Russia? If so, we are in "Deep SH*T" since this is to be the case. Then, look out for them levying onerous user financial burdens like punishing excesses of access fees, service rates and government licenses.

Look out for the ICANN panel members' stringent U.N. Internet guidelines to curb free expression and discourse.  This will all emanate from those freedom loving "civil rights advocate nations" like China, Myanmar, Iran, Albania, Cambodia, etc.--only kidding, but sadly it is the cold harsh fact!

Get Your Voice Heard & Email Your Representatives!

 ~ It is a Non-Partisan Issue ~

~ Americans Owe their Freedom to our Laws -  So does the Internet ~


To Email your U.S. Congressional Representatives. 

Click on: Enter your home "Zip Code" and it will list by their Names and Internet sites. Click on to their individual "Official Website" and type into their email message box: "Do Not transfer ICANN to UN" and send--it's that easy and it will take a second to do it too! 

You Are Crazy if You Don't Email Congress!

Please Send this out to your Friends Now!


Obama & Clinton's Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals

Is anyone tired yet of the constant drip, drip drip of Obama's 'Divide and Conquer' Saul Alinsky strategy?--refer to the 'Rules for Radicals' book by Saul Alinsky. This Chicago left-wing nut socialist was a mentor for student Obama, posthumously, and Hillary Clinton, actually, who did her 1969 Wellesley College senior thesis paper, "There is Only the Fight", delineating her support for Saul Alinsky philosophy and principles. Hillary in her thesis acknowledgements even personally "thanked Saul Alinsky for providing her thesis topic, sharing his time and offering her a job."

The Alinsky leftist radical has a single principle - to take power from the 'Haves' and give it to the 'Have-nots'. What this amounts to in practice is a 'political nihilism' - a destructive assault on the established order in the name of 'the people.' (who, in the fashion common to dictators, are designated as such by the revolutionary elite). This is all about the classic revolutionary formula in which the goal is to pit peoples against each other by groups: races, sexes, ages, incomes, taxes, educations, jobs and entitlements in order to take their attention away from what is the real problem--The Obama Presidency tearing apart the Constitution.

A very important point: "With the radicals, like Obama, refusing to commit to principles or to identify their goals, they have been able to successfully organize 'a coalition of all the elements of the left' who were previously divided by disagreements over means and ends."  This peculiar anomaly in Saul Alinsky's strategy has worked well under Obama to engage other supporters outside his circle to join him. Traditionally, groups band together under an agreed upon set charter of actions and goals which in contrast is a major complaint that Obama never offers detailed plans or reasons as he goes forward in his administration. So, without naming his end game, whether it be his Federal Budget Plans, Spending Programs or Presidential Policies, Obama's primary goal is to recruit followers and believers to support his causes without specifics that could potentially alienate anyone as he further advances his radical socialist plans. Is Hillary Clinton up to task of continuing this Alinsky strategy too?--ahh, yeah! 


I Agree 100% with our Democrat President!

The News Story: Our Democrat President, attending a Global Initiative Event about the Internet, observed, "A lot of people who have been trying to take this authority away from the U.S. want to do it for the sole purpose of cracking down on Internet freedom and limiting it and having governments protect their backsides instead of empower their people."

During the speakers' panel discussion the President asked Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, if he was worried about the U.S. giving up the ICANN domain administration will lead to to losing internet freedom. Mr. Wales wholeheartedly concurred adding, "People outside the U.S. often say, "Oh, it is terrible. Why should the U.S. have this special power?" His reply, "There is a first amendment in the U.S., and there is a culture of free expression."

Mr. Wales recalled on ICANN panels to be more understanding of differences in cultures. "I have respect for local cultures, but banning parts of Wikipedia is not a local cultural variation that we should embrace and accept. That's a human-rights violation." 

The Rest of the Story: I purposely did not mention which Democrat President that was quoted above, but it still should be no surprise on who supports the ICANN under a One World Order U.N. Control Organization. "You might think it is Bill Clinton who would embrace the Obama administration's surrender of U.S. control over the Internet. After all, it was the Clinton administration in the 1990s that invented "multistakeholder" governance of the Internet."

"Instead, Mr. Clinton, appearing on a panel discussion at a recent Clinton Global Initiative event, defended U.S. oversight of the domain-name system and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or Icann. As author of the multistakeholder concept, he knows it is only U.S. control that keeps other governments at bay, allowing stakeholders like engineers and private companies to operate an open Internet."

"The Internet has given people around the world a taste of the First Amendment, but one can expect a quick shift to censorship once countries like Russia and China join as "stakeholders." They have long sought to control the Internet even beyond their borders and would make the most of a new role overseeing the root zone file containing names and addresses of the top-level domains such as .com and .org. The new governing body could censor the Internet everywhere, including in the U.S., by deactivating websites it opposes."

"I just know that a lot of these so-called multistakeholders are really governments that want to gag people and restrict access to the Internet," Mr. Clinton concluded. "We have an obligation not to let that happen."  Obama, oh mighty Socialist Comrade Leader, did you even hear what U.S. President Clinton said?  

"Congressional hearings on the Obama plan begin this week. The alternative Proposed legislation would retain U.S. control over the ICANN pending a review by the GAO, Government Accountability Office. The big unresolved question still remains on whether the White House has legal authority to transfer U.S. control without congressional approval."

"The Obama plan to abdicate oversight would permanently undermine the permissionless Internet, built under U.S. leadership to enable websites to operate free of government regulation. There should be bipartisan support in Washington for the U.S. to retain its role and protect stakeholders and Web users from repressive regimes. Otherwise, it's the beginning of the end for the open Internet."